Commissioners for Indian Affairs in Southern Department


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Commissioners for Indian Affairs in Southern Department

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Commissioners for Indian Affairs in Southern Department

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Commissioners for Indian Affairs in Southern Department

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Talk of the Commissioners of the United States to the Creek Nation Document
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A Talk from the Head-men and Chiefs of the Lower Creek Nation to the Commissioners of the United States, of Indian Affairs in the Southern Department. Document
A Talk from the Chiefs, Head-men, and Warriors of the Lower Creek Nation. Document
Reply from Governor George Walton to Federal Commissioners Document
Talk of the White Bird King to US commissioners Document
Title Alternate label Class
Report from Federal Treaty Commissioners to Governor of Georgia author Document
Report of proceedings of Federal Commissioners for restoring and establishing peace between United States and Indians south of Ohio River author Document
Report of Federal Commissioners for making treaty with Indians south of Ohio River author Document
Message to the Cherokee from the Commissioners Plenipotentiary for Restoring and Establishing Peace and Amity author Document
Message for the Citizens Bordering on Towns and Settlements of Cherokee Nation author Document
Message for the White Inhabitants Contiguous to Cherokee Nation author Document
Request to keep Indians together in preparation for treaty talks author Document
Letter to Alexander McGillivray Expressing Astonishment that Indians May Leave Before Treaty Talks author Document
Readiness to make further communications author Document
Arrival of Mr. Griffin and initiation of treaty talks author Document
Regarding request to receive talks on west side of Oconee River author Document
Talk of the Commissioners to the Chiefs, Head-men, and Warriors of the Creek Nation author Document
Request for Terms to be Agreed Upon author Document
Dissatisfaction with Alexander McGillivray's Behavior author Document
Talk of the Commissioners plenipotentiary in reply to the talk of White Bird King author Document
Title Alternate label Class
Preparations for Treaty and Intent of Indians Not to Remain Much Longer Document
Notes of assurance from State of Georgia regarding negotiations with Creek Indians Document
Regarding planned visit from Principal Chiefs and request for private meeting Document
Reply from Alexander McGillivray, Chief of Creek Nation Document
Explanation for Retreat from Former Camp and Prospects for Further Talks Document