Request to revise claims





Request to revise claims


Rejects charges for music and damage done by recruits on Ensign David Thompson's recruiting accounts. Instructs Thompson to revise his claim.

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day created


sent from location

War Accountant's Office


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notable person/group

David Thompson
William Simmons
David Thompson

notable location

War Accountant's Office

notable item/thing

recruiting accounts

notable idea/issue

damage done by recruits
revise claim

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D. of War Accountant's Office
August 17th 1795
Ens. David Thompson, Winchester
Your account with the vouchers for your disbursements in the Recruiting Service together with Ens Peyton's Recruiting Account transmitted by you about the 15th June last to the Secretary of War have been under examination, from which it appears that your Account and* that Ens. Peyton received 200 Dollars for the recruiting 191
service, the receipts for his disbursements on this account appear to have been taken in your name which totally precludes his exoneration from any part of the above mentioned charge, by adverting to your instructions dated 20 March 1793, the impropriety will evidently appear of your Charging the United States with any monies advanced by you to Officers for the purpose of recruiting such Officers being altogether accountable to you, and you to the United States - your extra charges for music, damage done by your recruits, and for mending damaged clothing cannot be admitted to your Credit.
Herewith I return you your Accounts with the attendant Vouchers for revision requesting that they may be retransmitted to this office without unnecessary delay as I am anxious for a speedy settlement of all unliquidated accounts of this nature.
I am Sir &c
William Simmons
Ensign Peytons, are so blended as to render it impossible to act on either. It appears from the Books of this Office.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) YAA01 (447 pages) Collection: Miscellaneous Numbered Records (Manuscript file) 1775-1790's. (RG93) (M859) Letterbook A, P. 190

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author William Simmons War Accountant's Office [n/a]
Recipient David Thompson Winchester [n/a]