Chapin discusses state and federal authority to treat with Indians with Pickering



Contemporary Copy of Letter


Chapin discusses state and federal authority to treat with Indians with Pickering


Letter, informs re unauthorised treaty; discusses New York purchase of Cayuga & Onandaga reservations; discusses State rights and Federal Governement; informs re land sales.

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Cited in Chapin to Pickering, 08/19/1795.

cited note

Cited document addressed to the War Office

notable person/group

Timothy Pickering
Captain Israel Chapin .
Gen. Schuyler
Gen. Cantine
Co. Brooks
John Richardson

notable location

Oswego Falls
United States
State of New York

notable item/thing

special directions
attended as a private individual
indians are now present on their way home from the treaty
my house is thronged
used my influence with them
determined to manage the business as a separate interest from the United States
law of Congress in regard to holding treaties with the indian tribes
individual state
persuade the indians not to adhere to their invitation
opportunity respecting the business
endeavored to not interfere in the business as I supposed the commissioners were fully authorised by the government
full power to transact the business
law of the state
purchased the Onandaga reservation
reserving to the Onandagas a piece of land
provided to the Oneida to purchase their land
commissioners for the State of New York
purchased the Cayuga reservation for 800 dollars to be paid to them annually
reserving to the Cayuga nation six square miles to them & their children forever
mentioned you had written respecting the treaty, but unfortunately for me it never came to hand
way of conveyance
known better how to conduct the business which I am sorry to mention to you that has taken place
rec'd your letter
only letters I have rec'd since my appointment

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[view document] (4 pages) AEK13 (4 pages) Collection: Henry O'Reilly Collection V: 11, P: 33

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Israel Chapin Jr [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Timothy Pickering [unknown] [n/a]