Land Claims and Other Matters



Autograph Letter Signed


Land Claims and Other Matters


Letter, directs Chapin re proposed New York treaty; discusses State rights and Federal Government; informs re opinion of Attorney General; discusses conduct of New York commissioner.

short description

Regarding a proposed land treaty

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

War Office


in image


Cited in Chapin to Pickering, 07/31/1795.

cited note

Cited document sent from the War Office

notable person/group

Captain Israel Chapin
Timothy Pickering
John Jay
Governor George Clinton
Commissioners of New York
Indian tribes
Attorney General William Bradford
Legislature of New York

notable location

War Office
United States
New York

notable item/thing

land purchase
law of the United States
regulate trade
advise him of all that has passed
Jay's administration commences
act of legislature of New York expressly directed the commissioner they appointed to apply to the general government to call the treaty
denying the authority of that government in this matter
bargains they make at such a treaty as that proposed to be held at Scipio will be void
guardian of their rights
treaty held under the authority of the United States
unlawful design of the New York commissioner
copy of his letter
Attorney General of the United States has given his opinion that the reservations of those tribes within the state of New York form no exception to the general law
repugnant to the law of the United States made to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes
purchase the lands of the Oneidas, Onandagas & Cayugas
instruct you
you are to give no aid or countenance to the measure
received your letters
proposed treaty called for by the commissioners of New York

notable phrase

advise him of all that has passed
Jay's administration commences
act of legislature of New York expressly directed the commissioner they appointed to apply to the general government to call the treaty
denying the authority of that government in this matter
tribes of indians
bargains they make at such a treaty as that proposed to be held at Scipio will be void
guardian of their rights
treaty held under the authority of the United States
unlawful design of the New York commissioner
copy of his letter
Attorney General of the United States has given his opinion that the reservations of those tribes within the state of New York form no exception to the general law
repugnant to the law of the United States made to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes
purchase the lands of the Oneidas, Onandagas & Cayugas
instruct you
you are to give no aid or countenance to the measure
proposed treaty called for by the commissioners of New York

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[view document] (5 pages) AEK11 (5 pages) Collection: Henry O'Reilly Collection V: 11, P: 29

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Timothy Pickering War Office [n/a]
Recipient Israel Chapin Jr [unknown] [n/a]