Captain Chapin accepts appointment as U.S. agent to Six Nations



Contemporary Copy of Letter


Captain Chapin accepts appointment as U.S. agent to Six Nations


Letter, accepts Superintendant appointment; discusses Oneida Indians.

short description

Ltr, acc Superintendant appointment.

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Cited in Pickering to Chapin, 06/29/1795.

cited note

Cited document addressed to the War Office

notable person/group

Timothy Pickering
Israel Chapin Jr.

notable location

Buffaloe Creek
United States

notable item/thing

necessary for me to take and subscribe to an oath
faithful discharge of my duty
write me in what manner you propose to get the goods for the Six Nations
situation of the Oneidas and those in their neighbourhood living at such a distance from the place make it difficult for the superintendants to pay so strict attention to them as would be necessary
set to the care of some other agent to oversee and conduct their affairs
endeavor at all times to make use of the strictest integrity and economy in managing the property of the United States
conduct will be such as to be approved
your letter by Mr. Parrish
found I was appointed to succeed my father in the office of superintendant to the Six Nations of Indians
take his instructions which were given him by the former secy. at war for the rule of my conduct
accepted the office
conduct myself as to not dishonor myself or to disappoint my friends who have had the goodness to recommend me to the office
ambition to support and maintain that mutual friendship and entercourse which has so happily existed between the six nations and the people living on this frontier

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[view document] (2 pages) AEK06 (2 pages) Collection: Henry O'Reilly Collection V: 11, P: 17

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Israel Chapin Jr [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Timothy Pickering [unknown] [n/a]