Pickering informs Captain Chapin of his appointment to succeed his father
Letter Signed
Pickering informs Captain Chapin of his appointment to succeed his father
Letter, informs re Superintendant appointment; acknowledges information re General Chapin's death; discusses responsibility of Superintendant; advises re managing Indian affairs; alludes to Jay's Treaty; informs re prospect of peace with hostile Western Indians; informs re progress of Wayne's campaign.
short description
Ltr, inf re Superintendant appointment.
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War Office
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Cited in Chapin to Pickering, 05/06/1795.
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Cited document sent from the War Office
notable person/group
Captain Israel Chapin
Timothy Pickering
General Wayne
General [Israel] Chapin
notable location
War Office
Great Britain
United States
notable item/thing
apply the public money and goods placed in your hands with inviolable integrity and prudent economy
firm belief that you possessed these good dispositions was the ground of your appointment
execution of your office
your father's salary
perplexities and encreased burthen of managing the affairs of the Six Nations
salary of the superintendant of the Six Nations
principal concern will be to protect the tribes under your superintendance form injury and imposition
too many of our own people are disposed to practice upon them
employ all the means under your direction to promote their comfort and improvement
apply therid you of all such embarrassments as heretofore have sprung from British influence
peace with the Western indians is now in fair prospect
hostile nations have all sent in their chiefs to General Wayne to sue for peace
general treaty is agreed to be held at his headquarters
occasion some alteration in your pay
affairs of the Six nations
managed with much less trouble than formerly
treaty made with them last fall must supercede all pre-existing causes of complaint
public intructions formerly given to your father
take for the general rule of your conduct
circumstances which vary the condition of the Oneidas, Tuscaroras and Stockbridge Indians living in the Oneida country
distance from your place of residence
render it expedient to commit the care of them to some person in their neighbourhood
President of the United States consents to your succeeding your father as superintendant of the Affairs of the Six Nations
consider yourself as hereby appointed to that office
Parrish duly delivered me your letters
informing of the much regretted death of your father General Chapin
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[view document] (3 pages) | AEK04 (3 pages) | Collection: Henry O'Reilly Collection | V: 11, P: 10 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Timothy Pickering | War Office | [n/a] |
Recipient | Israel Chapin Jr | [unknown] | [n/a] |