Bruff Writing Hodgdon about Supplies to Finish the Fort and Supply his Troops
Letter Signed
Bruff Writing Hodgdon about Supplies to Finish the Fort and Supply his Troops
The letter discusses returns, equipment and supplies received at the fort; it is important that the fort be completed, so to that end storage must be completed, ordnance and military apparatuses must be in place, and clothing and other accoutrements for 64 men must be delivered. However, there are 85 men on the rolls of Bruff's company, and thus 21 were appropriated from Mr. Poe. Bruff explains the differences from his accounts that will arise on account of the extra number of clothing and camp articles required. Bruff also asks if the regulation allowing only one woman per 10 to 15 men is still in effect.
year created
month created
day created
sent from location
Whetstone Point
in collection
notable person/group
Samuel Hodgdon
James Bruff
Francis Butler
David Poe
Mr. Geddos
Mr. Smith
notable location
Whetstone Point
notable item/thing
military stores
Sloop Polly
10 inch shells
12, 18 & 24 pound shot
military appiratus
return of ordnance
military appiratus & implements
return of clothing, arms, accouterments
camp equipage
hospital and military stores
accounts of clothing
last war
spy glass
notable idea/issue
convenient appendage to the military
settlement of accounts
payment of men
document number
page start
number of pages
Letter from Capn
Bruff - 12th Jany 1795
Recd 19 -
Samuel Hodgdon Esqr
Whetstone Point, January 12th 1795
The Ordnance, their apperatus and Military Stores ship'd on board the Sloop Polly - Francis Butler master, at Philadelphia Decr. 16th 94, and consiged to me for the use United States came to hand as pr Invoice, as also ye Order of the 13 on Mr David Poe for the 10 inch shills, the 12, 18 & 24 pound shott is his care - with ye. Letter of the above dates.
The "Return you call for of every <ins essential</ins> article to compleat the Fort and men under my Command" I have made these of - No. 1 of the Ordnance, their apeiratus and the Military Stores now here and what are wanting to compleat them; alloting a set of apperatus & a 100 rounds to each gun: and two sets for each box, of such as are necessary for the use of the Laboratory. No. 2 is, also, a Return of Ordnance, Military apperatus & impliments - but none of which are here, yet return'd necessary to put the Fort in a state of defence - and for the protection of this Harbour and Town. No. 3 is a Return of Cloathing, arms, accoutrements and camp equipage recorded for, deliver'd to - and wanting to compleat 64 men. A Note & Return is [enclosed] of the men Recruited for, the dead & deserted of my Company as a means by which you may calculate the difficiencies thereby occasion'd. Allowing for them, for the four Recruits I now have without any uniforms to give them - and for 20 I may recruit this winter - I shall want the cloathing as per List at bottom.
The blankets Mr. Geddes and self have drawn of you ammounts to 64 - these have not been sufficient for the 85 men inlisted for my Company. The use of the officers - each of which (except myself have taken 2 - and the extra supply for the sick in Hospital. Mr. Smith, therefore, obtain'd of Mr. Poe (the contracter here) 21 and I had lately taken 10 more, as you may perceive by the return. Mr. Poe has also, supplied me with several articles of camp equipage, Hospital and Military Stores. such as pots & pails, bed ticks & necessary nourishments for the sick - make the necessary apperatus for 6 or 8 pieces of Cannon - all which will appear in his account.
I am aware that our Accounts of cloathing will not agree - this is owing to the inattention of your packers - for instance, I am charged with 62 Coats and have received but 60 with 124 pair Overalls, and have received 138 pr - - with 62 Hats and have received but 61, - with 50 Napsacks, and have received 83 - and so on - you would, therefore, do well to rectify your accounts of issues to me - so as I may stand charged with the true quantity I have received - which is agreeable to the within Return - and for which I shall at all times be prepear'd to account for.
It may be proper to consult the war office as to the cloathing over and above the true quantity for one company (alowing for the difficiences by desertions) - For I do not know to what extent they wish me to carry on the recruiting service - as, also, the cloathing proper for the additional Musick -
You were mentioning to me (when in Philada) something about blankets of a superior quality for Officers - are Officers allow'd any? - If they are; they would thank you for some with the rest of the cloathing.
Last War - there were allow'd a certain proportion of women - I think 1 to 10 or 15 men in all our Corps. I wou'd thank you to inform me if this regulation is now continued, alter'd, or abolished - and whether blankets are allowed them. I find them troublesome yet a necessary convenient appendage to the Military.
I feel myself mortified when I have salutes to return, that I have no colours to hoist - or to show to what nation I belong in Pray urge the sending me one - and a telescope or spy glass
I was on the Eastern shore after Deserters when the artillery-ammunition Military Stores &c arrive. I returned two or 3 days after, but Mr. Geddes had borne every thing abt the freight &c before my return - the freight was paid by an order he drew on Mr. Poe, and will be carried into his quater Masters Acct.
Pray send the cloathing on by stage - or at least such part thereof as are necessary for the Recruits I now have. And you wou'd oblige me by inquiry the paymt of my men - they Desert for want of it -
I have the honour to be
Your Obt Servant
J Bruff
Bruff - 12th Jany 1795
Recd 19 -
Samuel Hodgdon Esqr
Whetstone Point, January 12th 1795
The Ordnance, their apperatus and Military Stores ship'd on board the Sloop Polly - Francis Butler master, at Philadelphia Decr. 16th 94, and consiged to me for the use United States came to hand as pr Invoice, as also ye Order of the 13 on Mr David Poe for the 10 inch shills, the 12, 18 & 24 pound shott is his care - with ye. Letter of the above dates.
The "Return you call for of every <ins essential</ins> article to compleat the Fort and men under my Command" I have made these of - No. 1 of the Ordnance, their apeiratus and the Military Stores now here and what are wanting to compleat them; alloting a set of apperatus & a 100 rounds to each gun: and two sets for each box, of such as are necessary for the use of the Laboratory. No. 2 is, also, a Return of Ordnance, Military apperatus & impliments - but none of which are here, yet return'd necessary to put the Fort in a state of defence - and for the protection of this Harbour and Town. No. 3 is a Return of Cloathing, arms, accoutrements and camp equipage recorded for, deliver'd to - and wanting to compleat 64 men. A Note & Return is [enclosed] of the men Recruited for, the dead & deserted of my Company as a means by which you may calculate the difficiencies thereby occasion'd. Allowing for them, for the four Recruits I now have without any uniforms to give them - and for 20 I may recruit this winter - I shall want the cloathing as per List at bottom.
The blankets Mr. Geddes and self have drawn of you ammounts to 64 - these have not been sufficient for the 85 men inlisted for my Company. The use of the officers - each of which (except myself have taken 2 - and the extra supply for the sick in Hospital. Mr. Smith, therefore, obtain'd of Mr. Poe (the contracter here) 21 and I had lately taken 10 more, as you may perceive by the return. Mr. Poe has also, supplied me with several articles of camp equipage, Hospital and Military Stores. such as pots & pails, bed ticks & necessary nourishments for the sick - make the necessary apperatus for 6 or 8 pieces of Cannon - all which will appear in his account.
I am aware that our Accounts of cloathing will not agree - this is owing to the inattention of your packers - for instance, I am charged with 62 Coats and have received but 60 with 124 pair Overalls, and have received 138 pr - - with 62 Hats and have received but 61, - with 50 Napsacks, and have received 83 - and so on - you would, therefore, do well to rectify your accounts of issues to me - so as I may stand charged with the true quantity I have received - which is agreeable to the within Return - and for which I shall at all times be prepear'd to account for.
It may be proper to consult the war office as to the cloathing over and above the true quantity for one company (alowing for the difficiences by desertions) - For I do not know to what extent they wish me to carry on the recruiting service - as, also, the cloathing proper for the additional Musick -
You were mentioning to me (when in Philada) something about blankets of a superior quality for Officers - are Officers allow'd any? - If they are; they would thank you for some with the rest of the cloathing.
Last War - there were allow'd a certain proportion of women - I think 1 to 10 or 15 men in all our Corps. I wou'd thank you to inform me if this regulation is now continued, alter'd, or abolished - and whether blankets are allowed them. I find them troublesome yet a necessary convenient appendage to the Military.
I feel myself mortified when I have salutes to return, that I have no colours to hoist - or to show to what nation I belong in Pray urge the sending me one - and a telescope or spy glass
I was on the Eastern shore after Deserters when the artillery-ammunition Military Stores &c arrive. I returned two or 3 days after, but Mr. Geddes had borne every thing abt the freight &c before my return - the freight was paid by an order he drew on Mr. Poe, and will be carried into his quater Masters Acct.
Pray send the cloathing on by stage - or at least such part thereof as are necessary for the Recruits I now have. And you wou'd oblige me by inquiry the paymt of my men - they Desert for want of it -
I have the honour to be
Your Obt Servant
J Bruff
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (4 pages) | YVA18 (4 pages) | Collection: Miscellaneous Letters Received by the Fourth Auditor, Jan 12, 1795-Dec 31, 1897. (RG217) (M1187) | chronological |
[view document] (4 pages) | YVA18a (4 pages) | Collection: Miscellaneous Letters Received by the Fourth Auditor, Jan 12, 1795-Dec 31, 1897. (RG217) (M1187) | chronological |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | James Bruff | Whetstone Point | [n/a] |
Recipient | Samuel Hodgdon | [unknown] | [n/a] |