Opinion on Requests Made by John Cleves Symmes



Autograph Draft Letter Signed


Opinion on Requests Made by John Cleves Symmes


Hamilton, Randolph, and Knox direct Judge Symmes to take action relative to the purchase of land discussed in the recent treaty. An academy is to be laid in the center of the patented tract. The boundaries of the tract are to be run as desribed in this letter.

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in image

created note

changed date according to header on document

author note

Letter also written to: E. Randolph and Henry Knox.

recipient note

Letter also written to: E. Randolph and Henry Knox.

notable person/group

Alexander Hamilton
John Symmes
Edmund Randolph
Henry Knox

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Vol. 27
no. 60
Opinion on requests made by John Cleves Symmes
by his Letter of June 8th 1793
1 Point: The Alteration of the Contract pursuant to
Act of the 12th of April 1792
To be done: Judge Symmes to execute the
contract ^ declaratory of his consent: The President
to execute another Act declaratory of his consent.
2 Point Letters Patent agreeably to the Act of
May the 5th 1792
It appears by certificate from the Treaty
several that the party has paid into the Treasury the ^ sums
of 94 455 Dollars & 42 Cents and of
71238 Dollars in Securities and warrants for
military rights it results that Letters patent
ought to issue for a correspondent number
of acres according to the rate specified
to this quantity is to be added
equivalent a proportional quantity ^ equal to the
reservations specified in the Contract
Also a complete township t in
trust for the purpose of establishing an
academy to be laid out as nearly as
may be in the center of the patented
tract. The location to be made by the [Grantee?]
within a term of five years from the date
of the Patent with the approbation of the [Governor?]
A reservation to be made of to the UStates of fifteen acres which shall include Fort Washington But to be located by such the Grantee to [undecipherable] person as the President that if [undecipherable] shall appoint. But undecipherable provision to be made for securing to the UStates one Mile Square at or near the Mouth of the Great Miami to be located by such person as the President of the UStates shall appoint for that purpose; provided that a law be passed to authorize it under two years and that the President appoint a person to make the location within one year thereafter---
for the time being of the Territory NWest of the Ohio the foregoing quantities to form one tract bounded as follows that is to say "to extend from the mouth of the Great Miami to the Mouth of the Little Miami and to be bounded by the Ohio on the South by the Great Miami on the West byt the Little Miami on the East and by a parallel of Latitude on the North extending from the Great Miami to the Little Miami so as to comprehend the quantities aforementioned. The line of the said parallel of latitude to be run by the Grantee or his lawful Representative within the term of five years and the Survey to be reported within the said term to the Secretary of the Treasury for the time being...The points thereof to be fixed by a writ pursuant to a certificate of Israel Ludlow founded upon the survey made by him.
Alexander Hamilton
Edm Randolph

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) NBO10 (2 pages) Collection: Oliver Wolcott Jr. Papers. Box 27:60

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Alexander Hamilton [unknown] Also signed by Edmund Randolph and Henry Knox
Recipient John Symmes [unknown] [n/a]