Clothing for Detachments in the Rear



Letter Signed


Clothing for Detachments in the Rear


Washington questions the necessity and expense of providing clothing, rations, and pay for the detachments in the rear who will not contribute to quelling the insurgency. [Whiskey Rebellion]

year created


month created


day created


sent from location

Thomas Hartley's House


in image

notable person/group

Alexander Hamilton
George Washington
Colonel Mentges
detachments of Militia
the Army
Governor Mifflin
Governor Howell

notable location

Thomas Hartley's House

notable item/thing


notable idea/issue

Whiskey Rebellion

document number



Colo Hamilton at Bedford
Favored by Colo Mentges
Hartleys 21 October
p. 110
Hartley's Tuesday Evening
21st October 1794
Dear Sir,
From Colo Mentges information, there are detachments of Militia a considerable distance in the rear; compet* in part, of those whose march was [directed?] to be arrested. He adds, many of them are illy clad. This being the case, it appears to me, that at expence, without an equivalent advantage, would result from bringing them forward; and that the cloaths which they must draw to fit them for service would actually be thrown away.
Under this view of the matter, and a [illegible] persuation that the Army which is already advanced is more than competent to any opposition that can be given by the Insurgents I request that you would advise with Governors Mifflin & Howell (after receiving the *lest in formation from Mentges) and cause all which in your opinions cannot be up in time; all who are inadequately clothed in the rear - and in a word, all who do not upon mature consideration of circumstances appears to be essential) to return, that the Country may not be unnecessarily [burdened?] with the cloathing, pay and rations or them.
Open all letters of a public [nature?] which may come to the Army addressed [undecipherable] - and such as are in the Military line - relating to the business you are upon over to the Commanding General.
I am &c &c [Geo Washington]
Colo Hamilton

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) WGE04 (2 pages) Collection: Alexander Hamilton Papers R: 10
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: The Papers of Alexander Hamilton [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author George Washington Thomas Hartley's House [n/a]
Recipient Alexander Hamilton [unknown] [n/a]