Quartermaster General's Department


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Quartermaster General's Department

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Quartermaster General's Department


Documents sent to or from this office where the authors are unknown

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Quartermaster General's Department

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Title Alternate label Class
Estimate of pay due to John Bryant author Document
Estimate for teams to take supplies to Pittsburgh author Document
Account of rent paid for Stores in Philadelphia author Document
Estimate of expenses in removing stores from a magazine author Document
Estimate of Wagons to go with troops to Pittsburgh author Document
Estimate of supplies for the First American Regiment author Document
Estimate of cost to transport supplies to Pittsburgh author Document
Estimate for cost of saddles author Document
Estimated cost of rent for buildings used as military stores deposits author Document
Estimate of Building a Ordinance shed author Document
Estimate for cleaning muskets in Philadelphia author Document
Estimated cost of Tents author Document
Estimated cost of tents author Document
Estimated cost of Rent for buildings for Recruits author Document
Estimated cost of transport of powder to Pittsburgh author Document
Estimated cost of rent of buildings in Philadelphia to store military stores author Document
Estimated debts of Military Stores Department in Philadelphia author Document
Estimated rent of Ordinance Department in Philadelphia author Document
Estimate of cost to transport sundry stores from Philadelphia author Document
Estimate of debts due in Military Stores Department in Philadelphia author Document
Estimate to complete sundry Military stores for transportation author Document
Estimate of debts due in Military Stores Department in Philadelphia author Document
Estimate of money due in the Quartermaster's Department author Document
Cost of sundry supplies author Document
Estimate of money due in the Quartermaster's Department author Document