Benjamin Stoddert


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Benjamin Stoddert

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Benjamin Stoddert


First Secretary of the Navy (1798-1801)

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Title Alternate label Class
Request for loan of cannon to be sent to Norfolk Virginia for the brig ready of sea author Document
Requests Orders for Muskets for Mr. Nicholson author Document
Requests Loan of Marine Regiment and Tents for the Navy author Document
Letter from the Navy Department to the Purveyor of Public Supplies regarding order from Secretary of War for guns and pistols, and remarks on the requirement for hemp author Document
[Untitled] author Document
Letter Citation author Document
Appointment of Hamilton to Frigate in New York author Document
Expression of frustration from Navy Secretary to the Purveyor of Public Supplies author Document
Query into the delivery of guns from Department of War to Department of Navy author Document
Letter from the Navy Department to the Purveyor of Public Supplies on purchase of hemp &duck and the arming of Captain Bainbridge author Document
Receipt of Brass Mounted French Muskets author Document
Regarding the Supplying & Armament of the Man of War Ganges author Document
Directions to Oversee the Supplying of Certain Naval Ships author Document
Status of Shipment author Document
Title Alternate label Class
Recommends Captain Robert Hamilton as Naval Lieutenant Document
Request for Appointment of R. Hamilton to Lieut. in Navy Document
Old Copper in the Public Store Document
Recommends Captain Robert Hamilton as Naval Lieutenant Document
Request for Status of Appointment to Navy Document
No Military Stores Can Be Delivered to the Navy Document
An Appointment for Captain Hamilton Document
Recommends Captain Hamilton for a Southern Vessel Document
Request to Appoint Captain Hamilton to Southern Vessel Under Capt.Talbot Document
Forwarding the 24 Pounders to Savannah Document
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The Effort to Establish a Foundry Document