Orders for the suppression of the Whiskey Insurrection



Autograph Letter/Document Signed


Orders for the suppression of the Whiskey Insurrection


The President authorizes Ross, Yeates, and Bradford to take whatever measures necessary to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion in two counties of western Pennsylvania.

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sent from location

Department of State


in image

recipient note

James Ross; Jasper Yeates; William Bradford.

notable person/group

Henry Knox

notable location

Department of State

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Department of State August 8 1794
To James Ross, Jasper Yeates, William Bradford
In pursuance of instructions from the President of the United States, you and or any one or more of you, are hereby authorized and empowered forthwith to repair to the counties on the western side of the Alleghany Mountain in the State of Pennsylvania, there to confer with such Bodies or Individuals, as you may approve concerning the sommotions thereinwhich are referred to in the Proclamation of the President of the United States, bearing date the 7 day of August instant, and whatsoever promise or engagement you shall make in behalf of the Executive of the United States, the same will be ratified in the most ample manner.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of Office of the Department of State, the eighth day of August 1794.
approved [signatures] A. Hamilton, H Knox

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) WFP08 (1 pages) Collection: Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion Collection, mm76095257. R: 1, Frame 93

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox Department of State [n/a]
Recipient James Ross [unknown] Other recipients are Jasper Yeates and William Bradford