Office of Army Accounts, Paymaster General, Pay Office (1783-1792)


full name

Office of Army Accounts, Paymaster General, Pay Office (1783-1792)

full name (copy)

Office of Army Accounts, Paymaster General, Pay Office (1783-1792)


Office of the Commissioner of Army Accounts and Paymaster General


Author or recepient not named but from or to this office.
Office of:
John Pierce, Paymaster General (1784-1788)
Joseph Howell, Paymaster General (1788-1792)

given name

Office of Army Accounts,

middle name

Paymaster General,

family name

Pay Office (1783-1792)

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Title Alternate label Class
Petition for restitution of funds author Document
Request for Funding author Document
Affidavit from the American Regiment author Document
Monies in the possession of Major Marbury author Document
Settlement of White's account author Document
Account of Col. Livingston author Document
Submission of Warrant Number 119 author Document
Respecting pay for discharged soldiers in absence of returns author Document
Title Alternate label Class
Service of Ezra Coates Document
Voucher of Service Document
Pay and subsistence money Document