Wayne's Power to Prosecute the Campaign



Recipient's Letterbook Copy


Wayne's Power to Prosecute the Campaign


Being so far from the seat of government, Knox is bestowing on Wayne complete power to prosecute the campaign in whatever manner he chooses. Two thousand volunteers from Kentucky will soon be joining the Legion. There is good news that the hostility of the Six Nations and Great Britain seems to be subsiding.

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month created


day created



sent from location

War Department


in image


Spans Images 8-10 of this collection.

notable person/group

xxx Anthony Wayne xxxxx
xxx Henry xxxx Knox xxxxx
two thousand mounted volunteers
Major General Scott
Mr. Elliot
Three Companies of British troops
Six Nations
Colonel Mentges
Captain Bezaleel Howe

notable location

War Department
Fort Washington
Rapids of the Miami
the Ohio
Great Britain

notable item/thing

transport of provisions, particularly flour
an abundant quantity on hand at Fort Washington
hostility of the Six Nations
thirty two thousand nine hundred and ninety two dollars
the pay and forage for the months of June and July
appearances of war between Great Britain and the United States

notable phrase

The hope and belief is entertained that you are all alive to the highly important objects committed to you, and that you will omit no precaution or effort which may promote the good of the country or your own personal reputation.

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In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) DTC01 (286 pages) Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 V: 2

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox War Department [n/a]
Recipient Anthony Wayne [unknown] [n/a]