Petition of Elkanah Prentice



Copy of Signed Document


Petition of Elkanah Prentice


Knox addresses the United States Senate regarding the petition of Elkanah Prentice. Prentice claims he sustained injuries to his leg due to hardship and fatigue, which left him a cripple for life. Knox suggests that Prentice may be entitled to benefits provided by the Resolve of Congress 23 April 1782 if he can produce evidence of the discharge papers that placed him on the invalid list.

year created


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War Department

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notable person/group

Henry Knox
Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts
Commander in Chief
infirm persons

notable location

War Department
New England

notable item/thing

late war with Great Britain
hardships and fatigue
fit of sickness
fever, sore, or ulcer in his left leg
cripple for life
benefits of the Resolve of Congress of 23rd April 1782
unfit for further duty
field or garrison
no evidence
invalid list
mode of obtaining recruits
high bounties
rigid inspection of their fitness
inspection of the invalids

notable phrase

If the petitioner can produce such a discharge with the necessary evidence of the continuance of his disability and the identity of his person, that he will be entitled to be placed on the pension list, but not otherwise.

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) NMO18 (3 pages) Collection: Transcribed Reports and Communications Transmitted by the Executive Branch to the Senate, 1789-1819. (RG46) (M1257, rolls 1-3) M1257, rolls 1-3

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox War Department [n/a]
Recipient United States Senate [unknown] [n/a]