Notes in Samuel Hodgdon's Hand Regarding His Pay



Autograph Document


Notes in Samuel Hodgdon's Hand Regarding His Pay


Memorandum, discusses Hodgdon's salary. Noted money to be deducted from Knox's salary and added to "mine".

short description

Memo, dis Hodgdon's Salary

year created


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content note

The "Mr. Knox" mentioned is probably William Knox, then in the State Department.

notable person/group

Samuel Hodgdon
Mr. Knox
William Knox

notable location

War Department

notable item/thing


notable idea/issue

salary from 1 January 1791
500 dollars
15 July 1792 to 1 April 1793
780 dollars
600 dollars is in the appropriation bill
examine how long it has thus been returned
probably it embraces some of the first mentioned time
180 dollars to be taken of from Mr. Knox's pay as returned and added to mine
from the
see at what rate my salary is fixed for 1791

notable phrase

salary from 1 January 1791
500 dollars
15 July 1792 to 1 April 1793
780 dollars
600 dollars is in the appropriation bill
examine how long it has thus been returned
probably it embraces some of the first mentioned time
180 dollars to be taken of from Mr. Knox's pay as returned and added to mine
from the
see at what rate my salary is fixed for 1791

document number


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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) XFF08 (1 pages) Collection: General Information Index, 1794-1918. (RG94) B: 15, J: Knox , Henry, General
[view document] (2 pages) XFF08a (2 pages) Collection: General Information Index, 1794-1918. (RG94) B: 15, J: Knox , Henry, General

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Samuel Hodgdon [unknown] [n/a]