Too Late to Begin Offensive Operations; State of Payment & Recruitment
Recipient's Letterbook Copy
Too Late to Begin Offensive Operations; State of Payment & Recruitment
Because the peace negotiations consumed so much time, it is too late in the year to begin offensive operations. The choice of location for winter quarters is left to Wayne. Not more that 400 recruits can be expected before May 1794. $100,000 have been advanced by the Treasury for the pay of the troops and the Quartermaster General has requested $57,140 for his department.
year created
month created
day created
sent from location
War Department
in collection
in microfilm
in publication
in image
Cited in Knox to Wayne, 11/29/1793, Knox to Wayne, 03/31/1794.
Spans Images 247-252 of this collection.
Spans Images 247-252 of this collection.
cited note
Cited document sent from the War Office
notable person/group
Anthony Wayne
Henry Knox
thw President
the enemy
Lieut. Col. Clarke
Major Winston
Captain Cook
the Legion
your army
the treasury
Quartermaster General
Major Craig
Col. Mentges
Major Cass
Captain Crawford
notable location
War Department
Forts St. Clair & Jefferson
Fort Franklin, Wheeling, and Big Beaver block house
Fort Washington
notable item/thing
the President's mind
state of anxiety
twenty two wagons
procrastinated and faithless but absolutely necessary negotiation with the hostile Indians
Summer months
active operations
discipline of your army
winter quarters
security of your posts
economy of the supplies
promotions and appointments
the Constitution
body of recruits
main Army pay
number of mounted volunteers
Muster Rolls
sum appropriated by Congress
clothing for the present year
wagonload at Shippensburg
notable phrase
The procrastinated and faithless but absolutely necessary negotiation with the hostile Indians consumed the Summer months and scarcely left you any remaining season for active operations.
document number
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War Department
Nov. 25th 1793
Your several favors of the 9th of August the 17th of September, and the third of October have been received - the first on the 23d of September, and the others on the 12th of the present month.
The President's mind is now in a state of anxiety to hear further from you - an ugly report exists having been brought from Kentucky of an Escort and twenty two waggons being captured between Forts
Forts St. Clair & Jefferson on the 17th of October but it is hoped to be untrue.
The procrastinated and faithless but absolutely necessary negotiation with the Hostile Indians confirmed the Summer months and scarcely left you any remaining season for active operations. The difficulties to which these circumstances will subject your troops have been anticipated and regretted - But God grant that you may surmount them all and accomplish some object reflecting honor on yourself and the army and producing real advantage to your country.
Your assurances of caution - The discipline of your army - and your sence of its importance to the country afford solid ground to hope that altho the advanced season may not permit you to injure materially the enemy yet you will prevent them from injuring you.
The situation you will eventually assume for winter quarters must depend
upon your own judgment. The Security of your posts, and the Country will be duly compared with the oeconomy of the supplies, and the principle which predominates will of course govern unless you can from a happy combination which will embrace all considerations.
The circumstance of the arrangements of the Legion and the promotions and appointments have been submitted to the President. It will be proper that no promotions or appointments be announced until the President & Senate shall have actually made them. The Constitution will not warrant any other mode. The President however will always be glad to receive your recommendations to which due attention will be paid.
I have enclosed all the orders which have been given to Lieut. Colo Clarke, his letters to me, in order that you may judge of the steps necessary to be taken in his case. I also enclose the orders given to Major Winston and his answers. His movements appears to have been exceedingly tardy.
I have ordered a body of recruits of
of about one hundred to be assembled at Carlisle under Captain Cook, and they will commence their march to Pittsburgh about the 20th instant. But I am apprehensive the ice may obstruct their passage down the River but they will be ordered to descend if practicable.
A list of recruiting officers and Rendezvous which shall be kept up during the winter shall be soon transmitted. But the objects of pursuit in the country generally are so profitable that I apprehend that not more than three or four hundred recruits at most could be obtained from this time until the first of May next upon the present pay. Whether Congress will hold out additional encouragement for entering into the Legion and filling it up or whether they will determine to combine militia with the present number of troops, or adopt both measures will depend upon their own view of the subject = probably influenced by circumstances attending your army.
The treasury have advanced one hundred thousand dollars for the force under your command for the objects therein specified, viz
For the troops at Fort Franklin, Wheeling and Big beaver block house....[$] 1686.
Main Army pay for May, June & July [$] 49812.80. [Total $] $ 51498.80
(brought over) 51469.80
Deficiency of subject as per letter C Seven. 4th August [$] 1925.59. Arrears due to the troops stationed at Fort Washington and its dependencies agreeably to the account rendered by the Paymaster [$] 5375.61. Mounted volunteers [$] 41200. [Total] Dolls 100000
The number of mounted volunteers being unknown it has been thought that the sum forwarded for them will be sufficient for the present. If their pay will amount to a greater sum, it will be transmitted on the Muster Rolls being received.
The Quarter Master General has made a further regulation for fifty seven thousand one hundred & forty dollars for the purpose of his department to the end of the year and to carry the troops through the winter. This will be furnished, altho, the sum appropriated by Congress to the Department had before been exhausted. It is however of the greatest importance that this Department should be conducted with all possible oeconomy consistant with the service. It will therefore be expected that in future you should approve the estimates which shall
shall be transmitted by the Quarter Master General whether the persons employed are more numerous than necessary cannot with propriety be decided here, but it is very certain that the expense for excess all the estimates presented to, or appropriations made by Congress, and some difficulties may occur on this head.
Major Craig writes on the 15th that all the clothing for the present year had been forwarded, excepting a waggon load at Shippensburg, which I have requested Colo Mentges to have forwarded immediately.
I have employed Colo. Mentges to bear the money and the letters to Pittsburgh. I imagine Major Winston or Major Cass is at that place, who will be the bearer to Fort Washington - But if neither of them be there or under circumstances to descend the River, then I have directed Captain Crawford to take charge of the money and papers to Fort Washington.
I have the honor to be with great esteem your obdt Servant
H. Knox
Secretary of War
Major General Wayne
Nov. 25th 1793
Your several favors of the 9th of August the 17th of September, and the third of October have been received - the first on the 23d of September, and the others on the 12th of the present month.
The President's mind is now in a state of anxiety to hear further from you - an ugly report exists having been brought from Kentucky of an Escort and twenty two waggons being captured between Forts
Forts St. Clair & Jefferson on the 17th of October but it is hoped to be untrue.
The procrastinated and faithless but absolutely necessary negotiation with the Hostile Indians confirmed the Summer months and scarcely left you any remaining season for active operations. The difficulties to which these circumstances will subject your troops have been anticipated and regretted - But God grant that you may surmount them all and accomplish some object reflecting honor on yourself and the army and producing real advantage to your country.
Your assurances of caution - The discipline of your army - and your sence of its importance to the country afford solid ground to hope that altho the advanced season may not permit you to injure materially the enemy yet you will prevent them from injuring you.
The situation you will eventually assume for winter quarters must depend
upon your own judgment. The Security of your posts, and the Country will be duly compared with the oeconomy of the supplies, and the principle which predominates will of course govern unless you can from a happy combination which will embrace all considerations.
The circumstance of the arrangements of the Legion and the promotions and appointments have been submitted to the President. It will be proper that no promotions or appointments be announced until the President & Senate shall have actually made them. The Constitution will not warrant any other mode. The President however will always be glad to receive your recommendations to which due attention will be paid.
I have enclosed all the orders which have been given to Lieut. Colo Clarke, his letters to me, in order that you may judge of the steps necessary to be taken in his case. I also enclose the orders given to Major Winston and his answers. His movements appears to have been exceedingly tardy.
I have ordered a body of recruits of
of about one hundred to be assembled at Carlisle under Captain Cook, and they will commence their march to Pittsburgh about the 20th instant. But I am apprehensive the ice may obstruct their passage down the River but they will be ordered to descend if practicable.
A list of recruiting officers and Rendezvous which shall be kept up during the winter shall be soon transmitted. But the objects of pursuit in the country generally are so profitable that I apprehend that not more than three or four hundred recruits at most could be obtained from this time until the first of May next upon the present pay. Whether Congress will hold out additional encouragement for entering into the Legion and filling it up or whether they will determine to combine militia with the present number of troops, or adopt both measures will depend upon their own view of the subject = probably influenced by circumstances attending your army.
The treasury have advanced one hundred thousand dollars for the force under your command for the objects therein specified, viz
For the troops at Fort Franklin, Wheeling and Big beaver block house....[$] 1686.
Main Army pay for May, June & July [$] 49812.80. [Total $] $ 51498.80
(brought over) 51469.80
Deficiency of subject as per letter C Seven. 4th August [$] 1925.59. Arrears due to the troops stationed at Fort Washington and its dependencies agreeably to the account rendered by the Paymaster [$] 5375.61. Mounted volunteers [$] 41200. [Total] Dolls 100000
The number of mounted volunteers being unknown it has been thought that the sum forwarded for them will be sufficient for the present. If their pay will amount to a greater sum, it will be transmitted on the Muster Rolls being received.
The Quarter Master General has made a further regulation for fifty seven thousand one hundred & forty dollars for the purpose of his department to the end of the year and to carry the troops through the winter. This will be furnished, altho, the sum appropriated by Congress to the Department had before been exhausted. It is however of the greatest importance that this Department should be conducted with all possible oeconomy consistant with the service. It will therefore be expected that in future you should approve the estimates which shall
shall be transmitted by the Quarter Master General whether the persons employed are more numerous than necessary cannot with propriety be decided here, but it is very certain that the expense for excess all the estimates presented to, or appropriations made by Congress, and some difficulties may occur on this head.
Major Craig writes on the 15th that all the clothing for the present year had been forwarded, excepting a waggon load at Shippensburg, which I have requested Colo Mentges to have forwarded immediately.
I have employed Colo. Mentges to bear the money and the letters to Pittsburgh. I imagine Major Winston or Major Cass is at that place, who will be the bearer to Fort Washington - But if neither of them be there or under circumstances to descend the River, then I have directed Captain Crawford to take charge of the money and papers to Fort Washington.
I have the honor to be with great esteem your obdt Servant
H. Knox
Secretary of War
Major General Wayne
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (6 pages) | DTC01 (286 pages) | Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 | V: 2 |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Collection: Printed Versions | [unknown] |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Publication: Anthony Wayne, A Name in Arms | [unknown] |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Publication: 'Wayne-Knox Correspondence' PMH&B | [unknown] |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Microfilm: Anthony Wayne Papers | [unknown] |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Henry Knox | War Department | [n/a] |
Recipient | Anthony Wayne | [unknown] | [n/a] |