Wayne Letter & Enclosures Forwarded to Knox



Recipient's Letterbook Copy


Wayne Letter & Enclosures Forwarded to Knox


One of the War Office clerks forwards Wayne's letter and enclosures to Knox.

year created


sent from location

War Office


in image


Spans Images 246-247 of this collection.

content note

War Office clerk Philip Audebert transmits Wayne's letters on to Knox.

created note

Wayne letterbook notes it was _received_ Sept 11, 1793; doesn't say when it was written. Must have been sent between August 8 (this letter mentions receiving Wayne's letter of Aug. 8) and September 11.

notable person/group

xxx Anthony Wayne xxxxx
Philip Audebert
Secretary of War

notable location

War Office

notable item/thing

your letter of the 8th of August with the sundry enclosures

document number


page start



In the absense of the Secretary of War, who is on his way to the Eastward, I have the honor to acknowledge your lettter of the 8th of August with the sundry enclosures all of which I have this day transmitted to the Secretary.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) In image DTC01 (286 pages) In source Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 Location in source V: 2

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Type Author Name Philip Audebert Location War Office Notes [n/a]
Type Recipient Name Anthony Wayne Location [unknown] Notes [n/a]