Suspect Intelligence; Promotions & Court-Martials



Author's Letterbook Copy


Suspect Intelligence; Promotions & Court-Martials


Wayne wonders about the validity of the intelligence received from sources that he deems questionable but promises that his Army will be ready when needed. He forwards a list of officers due for promotion as well as information regarding Courts Martial and questions one Court Martial initiated by Gen. St. Clair.

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Hobson's Choice


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Cited in Wayne to Knox, 10/05/1793.

Spans Images 257-261of this collection.

cited note

Cited document addressed to the War Office

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Anthony Wayne
General Putnam
deputation of Chiefs
Mr. Matthew Elliot
Colonel McKee
Maj. General Scott
Quartermaster General
mounted volunteers
Legion of the United States
the President
Ensign John Morgan
Major General St Clair
Lieutenant Diver(?)
Wm. C. Smith
Daniel St. Thomas
General Robertson
Lieutenant Clark
Chickasaw Chief named Underwood and eight warriors
Captain Greaton
Captain Richard S Howe
Secretary of War

notable location

Hobson's Choice
Fort Jefferson
the frontiers

notable item/thing

express boat
desultory parties
means of transportation
list of promotions
organization of the Sub-Legions
General Orders
Genl. Court Martial
charges exhibited by Major Gen. St. Clair
stores for the Chickasaws
Relative rank of the Captains throughout the line
their Legionary rank
Sub-Legionary rank of the subalterns

It's much to be regretted that the Commissioners would not take or believe the final answer solemnly delivered to them on the 31st of July by the deputation of chiefs appointed for that purpose in full Council but rather chose to place confidence in a Mr. Matthew Elliot, an artful designing, interested man, the partner of Col. McKee, who was apprehensive that we should recieve intelligence too soon and be better prepared for a forward move in due season and before the grass should fail.

notable phrase

It's much to be regretted that the Commissioners would not take or believe the final answer solemnly delivered to them on the 31st of July by the deputation of chiefs appointed for that purpose in full Council but rather chose to place confidence in a Mr. Matthew Elliot, an artful designing, interested man, the partner of Col. McKee, who was apprehensive that we should recieve intelligence too soon and be better prepared for a forward move in due season and before the grass should fail.

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (5 pages) DTB01 (266 pages) Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 Vol: 1
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: Anthony Wayne, A Name in Arms [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: 'Wayne-Knox Correspondence' PMH&B [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Microfilm: Anthony Wayne Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Anthony Wayne Hobson's Choice [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]