Order for Legion to Hold Position; Report on Actions of Cherokees and Creeks



Recipient's Letterbook Copy


Order for Legion to Hold Position; Report on Actions of Cherokees and Creeks


Knox orders Wayne to remain on the margins of the Ohio in order to save rations, prepare for the coming campaign, and to avoid antagonizing the Indians. Among the southern Indians, the Cherokees and upper Creeks seem willing to remain at peace but the lower Creeks are causing trouble on the Georgia frontier.

short description

Order for Legion to Hold Position; Report on Actions of Cherokees and Creeks

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

War Department


in microfilm

in image


Cited in Knox to Wayne, 07/20/1793.

Spans Images 212-216 of this collection.

cited note

Cited document sent from the War Office

notable person/group

Anthony Wayne
Henry Knox
Captain Melcher
Brigadier General Wilkinson
President of the United States
Henry Vanderburg
Captain Preston
Lieutenant Colonel Clarke
Governor Blount
the Cherokees
John Watts
principal chiefs
Shawanese agents
upper Creeks
lower Creeks
large bodies of militia
Governor of Georgia
Commissioners at Niagara
Jacob Myers
Mr. Myers

notable location

War Department
Fort Pitt
Miami river
margin of the Ohio
the two Miamis
upper parts of the Ohio
Fort Washington
Wells Town
frontiers of Georgia

notable item/thing

price of the ration
forward movements
no suitable ground
under oath
high prices
on the spot and under oath
reasonableness of the articles charged
schedule of the recruits
block house
erection of a block house at Wheeling
descent of the garrisons
course of the Summer
council was convened
depredations on the frontiers of Georgia
general alarm
adequate arrangements for punishing the Creeks
three boats
regular and certain communication

notable phrase

It was pointed out to you, to remain upon the margin of the Ohio during your preparations for forward movements for three reasons. The first, the saving in the price of the ration, the second, the supposed convenience that would result from such a situation to accelerate your preparations, and the third, that any forward movements in force would occasion the detruction of the Commissioners and imputations upon our good faith.

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No 55. From Major General Knox Secy of War
War department
June 28th 1793
I wrote you on the 7th instant, which was forwarded down the Ohio by Captain Melcher who left Fort Pitt on the 15th instant. Since which yours of the 9th May enclosing a letter from Brigadier General Wilkinson of the 8th of that month has been received and submitted to the President of the United States.
It is satisfactory to hear of your arrival in such good order. You complaint that there is no suitable ground near the margin of the Ohio between the two Miamis, whereon to encamp your Troops Troops It was pointed out to you, to remain upon the margin of the Ohio during your preparations for forward movements for those reasons. The first the saving in the price of the ration, the second, the supposed convenience that would reflect from such a situation to accelerate your preparations, and the third, that any forward movement in force would occation the distruction of the Commissioners and imputations upon our good faith.
These reasons were so strong that the President does not see how circumstances can warrant his giving any counter orders.
The letter from Brigadier General Wilkinson and your judgment of his conduct are confirmations of the high opinion the President has entertained of his talents and regard to the public interest.
All the howitzers and nearly all the stores required are forwarded and the clothing has partly gone and the remainder will be forwarded as fast as possible the transportation being in such train that all the clothing will be sent hence in a few days.
I enclose you an account which relates relates to supplies furnished by Henry Vanderburg at Vincennes and I request that you would be pleased to cause an immediate inquiry to be made on the spot, and under both of the reasonableness of the articles charged, which an account of the high prices have not been allowed at the Treasury. This investigation ought to be by two respectable characters and the report transmitted to me.
Still I have not heard from Captain Preston, but I hope he has joined you.
Enclosed is a schedule of the recruits which have marched, all of whom will defend the Ohio as soon as they shall arrive Pittsburgh.
The erection of a Block House at Wheeling which has been directed to be executed by Lieutenant Coll Clarke will delay the descent of the Garrisons from the upper parts of the Ohio, as mentioned in my letter of the 7th instant. Until the latter part of next month and which with other circumstances will occation probably about one hundred and twenty men to remain on the upper part of the Ohio above Fort Washington.
By some recent information from
from Governor Blount it is probably that the disturbances among the Cherokees will be quieted, and that he will be able to bring John Watts and other Principal Chiefs to Philadelphia in the course of the Summer. It was expected they would reject the offers of the Shawanese agents as a council was convened at Wells Town about the 19th of last Month.

The upper Creeks in a general Council concern=ed on purpose to hear the proposals of the Shawa=nese agents decided against them, and to abide by the peace with the United States.

But it is to be regretted that some of the lower Creeks have been again committing depredations on the frontiers of Georgia. A gen=neral alarm has taken place in that State and very large bodies of Militia have been ordered into Service by the Governor. Indeed according to present appearances it is to be exceedingly apprehended that upon the meeting of Congry's it will become a measure of necessity to make adequate arrangements for punishing the Creeks.

Until Congry's direct offensive measure it is
is concerned authority is wanting for that purpose.

Nothing further has been received from the Commissioners at Niagara since my letter for you of the 7<sup>th</sup>.

As it is of great importance that a regular and certain communication shall be kept with you, an arrangement has been made with Ja=cob Myers for three Boats to be kept constantly plying between Forts Pitt and Washington the papers relatively to their business are herein enclosed.

Mr. Myers has only three Boats in readiness but he promised me, he would have six a going as soon as possible -- you will please to urge him to complete this number with the utmost expeditions.

I am
<br> Sir
<br> with great respect and esteem
<br> your obedient Servant
<br> H Knox
<br> Sec<sup>ry</sup> of War
<br> Major General Wayne

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (5 pages) DTC01 (286 pages) Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 V: 2
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: Anthony Wayne, A Name in Arms [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Microfilm: Anthony Wayne Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox War Department [n/a]
Recipient Anthony Wayne [unknown] [n/a]