Records for Public Houses in Kentucky





Records for Public Houses in Kentucky


Expected observations on pay for his department. Responds to orders about the public house in Kentucky, hoping records are in good order.

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notable person/group

Henry Knox
James O'Hara

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The Honble the Secretary of War Pittsburgh April 26th 1793
I am favored with yours of the 20th Instant and with pleasure acknowledge the particular attention that you have paid to my requisition for the present year.
I expected your observations on the Article of pay for my Department included in my estimate of Cash required for the 11th of July [undecipherable] you will receive a separate explanation thereof and you may be assured that the Calculation is at present moderate and in case of gravest[?] operations it will not be sufficient ---
Your Orders respecting the Public Houses in Kentucky shall be attended to I am this day loading every species of Public Stores at this place on board our Boats and shall descend fortmorrow [?] orders are issued for the Troops to embark on the 29th and fortunately we have a very pleasant fresh in the Ohio and our Transports it supplies in abundance and excellent order.
I have the Honor to be
your most Humble Servant
The Honble the Secretary sd/ James O'Hara
of war -- [undecipherable]

Estimate of pay for the Quarter Master Department till the 1st July 1793
Quarter Master General 6 months 758 Dollars
two Deputies 758
one Commissr of Forage 238
five assistants 360
Six Assistamt Quarter Masters & Clerks 1080
Four Issuing Commissioners of Forage 720
Six Master Boatmen - 4 months 720
One hundred & twenty Boatmen 4 months
a 12 Dollars ea 5760
Four Conductors of Artificers & Armouries 720
Forty Six Artificers & Armouries 4 months 2208
April 26th 13,372 Dol.

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (1 pages) DFQ14 (1 pages) Collection: Letters Sent (Letterbook) by Quartermaster General James O'Hara, Apr 19, 1792-May 17, 1794. (RG92) P: 71

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author James O'Hara Pittsburg [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]