Need for Fine-Grained Powder; Placement of Spies, General Returns for Supplies, and Preparations for Offensive



Author's Letterbook Copy


Need for Fine-Grained Powder; Placement of Spies, General Returns for Supplies, and Preparations for Offensive


Wayne discusses the need for the fine-grained powder he has been requesting. Spies/scouts are now present in each of the counties where they are needed. Enclosed is the General Returns on the ordinance and military stores on hand. He awaits Knox's orders to descend the Ohio River but warns that the river is low. Transport should begin at the first instant that the river is sufficiently high.

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sent from location

Legion Ville


in microfilm

in image


Cited in Knox to Wayne, 04/20/1793.

Spans Images 206-208 of this collection.

cited note

Cited document addressed to the War Office

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Anthony Wayne
Quartermaster General
Major Burbeck
the Legion
the light corps
spies or scouts
County Lieutenants
the President
Major Craig

notable location

Legion Ville
the western Country
Counties of Westmoreland, Allegheny, & Washington in Pennsylvania
Ohio County in Virginia

notable item/thing

Quartermaster General's requisition for stores
battle powder
the finest grain
powder indispensably necessary for the Light Corps
improved muskets
circular letters to the several County Lieutenants
General Returns of Ordinance & military stores
Quartermaster's stores of clothing received, issued, and on hand
waters are uncommonly low
the very first rise of the River
no certainty in the navigation of the Ohio after the first of May

notable phrase

I now wait in hourly expectation of [sic] for your particular orders to descend the River.

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No. 54 To Major Genl Knox Secy of War Legionville 13 April 1793.
I have been honor'd by the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo in which you mention that "the Quarter Masters Generals requisition for stores had not arrived" this must be owing to the dilatoriness, who is not worthy of trust and who was dismissed last year upon that account, nor does he arrive at Pittsburgh until Sunday in place of Friday which prevents early answers to letters of consequence, unless by an extra express.
It must have been a mistake in Major Burbeck to call a certain quantity of powder battle powder it is that kind of powder of which I sent you a sample last summer, i.e. of the finest grain and first quality 7 quicker than than any rifle powder in our magazine, but not [glaized?] this is a powder indispensibly necessary, for the light corps which I shall immediately form upon the junction of the Legion and who are to be armed with the improved muskets.
The spies or scouts mentioned in my letter of the 30th ultimo are now and have always been in service ever since I came to the Western Country - at least those for the counties of Westmoreland, Alleghany & Washington in Pennsylvania and Ohio County in Virginia; and I rather conclude that all the other counties have them - however to put it out of question I will write circular letters to several County Lieutenants upon this subject and should have done it sooner had I not thought it necessary to wait for the decision of the President agreeably to your letter of the 5th ultimo.
Enclosed are the General Returns of Ordnance & Military Stores and of the Quarter Masters Stores of clothing received issued and on hand at this place up to the 1st instant. I ordered similar returns to be made by the the Quartermaster General & Major Craig of those at Pittsburgh which you will receive by this post.
I now wait in hourly expectation of for your particular orders to descend the River and also for your decision upon the several subjects submitted in my letters of the 22d & 30th ultimo & of the 5th instant.
I also beg leave to inform you that the waters are uncommonly low at this season and that we ought to improve the very first rise of the River in order to descend it, in fact, there is no certainty in the navigation of the Ohio after the first of May.
I am Sir your most obedt & very huml Servt
A Wayne
The Honble Major Genl Knox Secy of War

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) DTB01 (266 pages) Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 V: 1
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: Anthony Wayne, A Name in Arms [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Microfilm: Anthony Wayne Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Anthony Wayne Legion Ville [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]