Letter from Edward Telfair Governor of Georgia to Secretary of War Henry Knox on robbery and murder at Traders Hill on St Marys



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Letter from Edward Telfair Governor of Georgia to Secretary of War Henry Knox on robbery and murder at Traders Hill on St Marys


Telfair reports to Knox the details of murder and robbery by Creeks at Robert Seagrove's store at Traders Hill on St Marys River. Others were killed, Telfair reports. Volunteers found 3 men and a girl murdered; they were settlers. Horses stolen; women and child taken prisoner. Settlers are defenseless in Camden and Glynn Counties and must leave settlements. Governor taking temporary measures while awaiting president's adequate dispositions. There are other similar outrages going on in other parts of state. Asks that president take defense of frontier under his consideration. Militia remains subject to call of commandant of federal troops; has the confidence of people in government. Anticipates unrest shortly.

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sent from location

State House, Augusta


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This journal is enclosed in a statement relative to the South Western frontiers, as connected with the state of Georgia and the Creek Indians, the south Western territory of the United States and the Cherokees submitted to the House of Representatives on December 4, 1793. This document is an integral part of [Public Reports] and other communications of the Secretary at War, 12/99/1793.

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Edward Telfair
President United States
Secretary at War
Governor Georgia
Robert Seagrove
John Fleming
Daniel Moffett

notable location

State House, Augusta
Glynn county
Camden county
Traders Hill
St Marys
Creek Nation
southern frontier

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) NOP01 (506 pages) Collection: Third Congress: Transcribed Confidential Reports and Other Communications Transmitted by the Secretary of War to the House of Representatives, 3d Congress, 1st Session, 1793, Vol. II [3C-B2] (RG 233) {M1268, roll 14} M: 1268, R: 14;178-179

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Governor Edward Telfair State House, Augusta [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]