Assessment of Strength at All Posts & Garrisons, Disposition of Spies, and Details of Officer Shortage



Author's Letterbook Copy


Assessment of Strength at All Posts & Garrisons, Disposition of Spies, and Details of Officer Shortage


Wayne provides an assessment of troop and officer strength at each of the posts and garrisons under his command. He laments the shortage of qualified officers which has required the posting of sergeants in positions normally reserved for officers.

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sent from location

Legion Ville


in microfilm

in image


Cited in Knox to Wayne, 04/06/1793.

Spans Images 194-202 of this collection.

cited note

Cited document addressed to the War Office

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Anthony Wayne
Paymaster General
Lieut. Colonels
Non-Commissioned Officers
eight spies or scouts
Capt. Haskell
Major Goodall
Mr. Cribbs(?)
one hundred Indians
Majors Burbeck & Rudolph
Lieut. Col. Comm. Clark

notable location

Legion Ville
the upper parts of the Ohio
the Allegheny
Fort Franklin
the falls of the Ohio
Posts &b Garrisons
Cussawaga or Meads Mill
Reads Station
big Beaver
Mingo bottom
Ohio County [Va.]
Randolph County [Va.]
Harrison County [Va.]
Kenhawa County [Va.]
Westmoreland County [Pa.]
Allegheny County [Pa.]
Washington County [Pa.]
Mason County [Ky.]
Bourbon County [Ky.]
Nelson County [Ky.]
Jefferson County [Ky.]
the Great Kenhawa

notable item/thing

eight large rafts
political principles of reduction
Estimate of money wanted
return of medicine and hospital stores
distinctive decorations
Legionary Standard
Sublegionary and Battalion Colors
Army clothing
surplus of shoes and shirts
stoppages of pay
St. Patrick's day
baneful poison
pending treaty

notable phrase

Agreeably to your orders of the 5th instant I have made an estimate of the strength of the Garrisons on the upper parts of the Ohio, and the number of scouts that shall be permitted at the expence of the United States to the different counties lying upon the Ohio and the Allegheny from Fort Franklin to the falls of the Ohio.

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No. 52 To Major Genl H Knox Secretary of War
Legionville 30th March 1793
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th instant with the printed lists of Promotions &ca; but in the organization I discover three material omissions viz. the Paymaster General, a Judge advocate & SubLegionaire Paymasters.
Agreeably to your orders of the 5th instant I have made an estimate of the strength of the Garrisons on the upper parts of the Ohio; and the number of scouts that shall be permitted at the expence of the United States to the different counties lying upon the Ohio and the Alleghany from Fort Franklin to the falls of the Ohio.
Viz Posts and Garrisons
[5 Column Table with Headers:[Post or Garrison] Lieut Colo Commd | Captains | Subalterns | Non Commd. Officers & Privates]

No. 1 At Cussawage or Meads Mill [1 Subaltern; 21 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 2 At Fort Franklin [ 1 Captain; 1 Subaltern; 74 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 3 At the Kittaning [14 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 4 At Reads Station [14 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 5 At Pittsburgh [1 Lieut Colo; 1 Captain; 1 Subaltern; 46 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 6 at big Beaver [1 Subaltern; 21 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 7 at Mingo bottom [1 Subaltern; 21 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 8 at W[h]eeling [1 Subaltern; 21 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 9 at Marietta [1 Captain; 1 Subaltern; 60 Non Commd Officers and Privates] No. 10 at Gallipolis [1 Subaltern; 42 Non Commd Officers and Privates]
Total [1 Lieut Colo; 3 Captains; 8 Subalterns; 334 Non Commd Officers and Privates]
The non commissioned officers & privates at present in possession of these posts amount to three hundred & seventy two regular troops, exclusive of the Commissioned officers: Query! Are these troops to descend the Ohio?
From From the best information that I have been able to obtain there are Eight Counties bordering upon the Ohio in the states of Virginia & Kentucky exclusive of the three in the State of Pennsylvania
In Virginia Ohio, Randolph, Harrison, Kenhawa In Pennsylvania Westmoreland, Alleghany, Washington In Kentucky Mason, Bourbon, Nelson, Jefferson
Each to have Eight spies or scouts except Westmoreland & Washington - these to have twelve each - total ninety six
From some recent accounts it would appear that these scouts are essential at this period: the enclosed extract of a letter from Capt. Haskell mentions the capture of a Major Goodall from Bellepré; and a Mr. Chribbs who arrived at this place the night before last, says that in coming up the river about the 1st instant he saw eight large rafts about fifty miles below the Great Kenhawa; from which upwards of one hundred Indians from every appearance had but recently landed landed on the Virginia side of the river; this does not look much like peace.
I have therefore thought it expedient (in addition to other considerations) as well as to keep him out of the way of Majors Burbeck & Rudulph over whose heads he has evidently been promoted (perhaps upon the political principles of reduction) to suggest the idea of giving Lieut Colo Commt Clark the general charge of the Posts & Scouts on the frontiers of Pennsylvania & Virginia.
Permit me now to recapitulate our distressed situation for want of subalterns as well as other officers; to the very great injury of the service.
1st. There is not a commissioned officer with Captain Buchanan's company.
2d. Captain Lewis's company is in the same predicament. The following companies are also destitute of acting officers: therefor committed to the charge of Serjeants.
3rd The company late Miles's: Lieut Turner is Paymaster to the 2nd SubLegion & Ensign Drake officiates as Quarter Master to the the whole of the Infantry.
4th Captain [Guion's} in the charge of serjeants: the Captain is on command at Gallipolis & Ensign Vissches is paymaster to the 3 SubLegion; no other officer with the company.
5th Carbery's company - The Captain recruiting Lieut Diven acting as adjutant to the whole of the Infantry and Ensign Smith paymaster to the 4th SubLegion - the company in the hands of serjeants.
6th Cooks - the captain absent recruiting; Ensign Lee acting as Quarter Master to the whole of the Rifle Corps: no other officer with the company - which is also left to the charge of serjeants.
There are several other companies that have not more than one commissioned officer on the ground.
I am therefore reduced to the necessity of placing two officers guards under the command of serjeants: and the very officers who are relieved this day must mount Guard again tomorrow and were I to appoint an adjutant & Quartermaster to each Battalion agreeably to the the organization (and who are absolutely necessary) I should not have a single subaltern left for guard - as it is, I expect in the course of a few days I shall be under the necessity of committing some of our Redoubts to the command of serjeants - from the constant duty to which the subalterns are subject as a number of them are already laid up from that cause - but seeing the necessity; officers who are capable of duty submit to it with chearfulness.
I have been thus particular to shew you that my reiterated complaints for want of officers were not unfounded.
Several of the companies both in the Infantry & Rifle Corps being very weak (added to the deficiency of officers as already mentioned) I have in contemplation to incorporate for the present Pike's & Heth's of the 3d SubLegion to be commanded by Heth; Buchanans & Sloughs of the 4th Infantry to be commanded by Slough; and Cummins's & Cook's of the 1st & 2nd SubLegions to be commanded by Cook; Springers & Sparks's of the 3d SubLegion (rifle corps) to be commanded by Springer
Captains Captains Pike, Buchanan, Sparks & Cummins to be continued or sent on the recruiting service their companies being more deficient than any others in the service.
The Quarter Master General promises to have everything belonging to his department in readiness for descending the river as soon as the season will permit the troops to encamp, say in all April or, on the 1st of May. He presented an estimate of money wanted for the specific and necessary articles [required?] in his department, which will be forwarded by this post.
I ordered the Surgeon General to repair to this place more than three months since in order to make a Return of Medicine & Hospital Stores & other articles that may be wanted or necessary for the ensuing campaign: but he has not yet arrived. I have therefore ordered Doctor Carmichael to form the proper Estimate which will accompany this.
You promised to order & forward certain SubLegionary distinctive decorations; also a Legionary Standard & SubLegionary and Battalion Colours, but I have not seen or or heard anything further of those necessary articles: do forward them. they shall not be lost and we really want them for maneuvering.
It is also expedient & necessary that the Army Clothing for the present year be immediately forwarded with an additional number or surplus of shoes & shirts - the public will be amply repaid for these articles: first, by the stoppages of pay when issued - and particularly by the services of the soldiery - who by this means will be rendered comfortable & healthy & equal to every fatigue & difficulty.
The progress that the troops have made both in maneuvering and as marksmen astonished the savages upon St. Patrick's day: and I am happy to inform you that the sons of that saint were perfectly sober & orderly being out of the reach of whiskey - which baneful poison is prohibited from entering this camp except the component part of the ration and a little for fatigue or some extraordinary occasion - apropos - when we descend the Ohio the troops must advance out of the reach of the settlements in order to keep clear of that ardent poison, as well as to cut & secure our our magazines of Hay & to cover the [undecipherable} insult.
I have promised not to establish any new Posts advanced of those now in our possession until after the result of the pending treaty, unless compelled to it by the conduct of the hostile Indians - but will it not be prudent & expedient to strengthen & improve those we now occupy.
May I request your sentiments & instructions upon these subjects as soon as convenient, and believe me to be with true esteem
Your most obedt & very humble servt
A Wayne
The Honble Maj Gen H Knox Secy of War

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (9 pages) DTB01 (266 pages) Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 V: 1
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: Anthony Wayne, A Name in Arms [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Microfilm: Anthony Wayne Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Anthony Wayne Legion Ville [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]