Letter from James Seagrove to the Chiefs and Headmen of the Cussetah and Coweta Towns



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Letter from James Seagrove to the Chiefs and Headmen of the Cussetah and Coweta Towns


Letter from James Seagrove to the Chiefs and Headmen of the Cussetah and Coweta Towns, dated St. Mary's, 20 Feb. 1793. Seagrove writes to inform the Creek leadership that he will meet with them 1 May; and that the talks from the great father General Washington, President of the United States, are straight and good towards Creeks. Seagrove admonishes Creek leaders not to listen to the northward indians, or Chicamagua, as they will lead the Creeks astray. Seagrove notes that the Northern Tribes of Indians, having faced a great army [U.S.], have sent chiefs to General Washington to beg for peace. General Washington, because of his great goodness, may spare these people, even though they don't deserve it. Seagrove has heard rumors that some endeavor to lead the Creeks into trouble, but notes that he believes that Creeks have too much sense to be made fools by bad people. There are Shawnees among the Creeks who show white man's scalps to the Creeks. Seagrove advices that out of regard for General Washington, that they make prisoners of the Shawnee. He offers a reward to those who bring him Shawnee prisoners. Mr Barnard waits on the Creeks with detailed instructions from Seagrove. Seagrove closes by sending his love to the Creek people and asks to be regarded as their true friend.

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sent from location

St. Mary's

sent to location

St. Mary's Georgia

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This document is enclosed in a statement relative to the South Western frontiers, as connected with the state of Georgia and Creek Indians, the south Western territory of the United States and the Cherokees submitted to the House of Representatives on December 4, 1793. This document is an integral part of [Public Reports] and other communications of the Secretary of War, 12/99/1793.

recipient note

To the Chiefs and Head-men of the Cussetah and Coweta towns.

notable person/group

James Seagrove
General Washington President of the United States
Northward indians
northern tribes of indians
Mr Barnard
Mr Holmes
Indian Agent

notable location

St. Mary's

notable item/thing

Indian treaty

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) NOP01 (506 pages) Collection: Third Congress: Transcribed Confidential Reports and Other Communications Transmitted by the Secretary of War to the House of Representatives, 3d Congress, 1st Session, 1793, Vol. II [3C-B2] (RG 233) {M1268, roll 14} M: 1268, R: 214
[view document] (2 pages) DOP01 (431 pages) Collection: Printed Versions m:1268, r 214

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author James Seagrove St. Mary's [n/a]
Recipient Chiefs and Headmen of Cussetah & Coweta Towns St. Mary's Georgia [n/a]