Payment of Soldiers Has Begun with Arrival of Paymaster General
Author's Letterbook Copy
Payment of Soldiers Has Begun with Arrival of Paymaster General
Pay has been allowed for certain garrisons but not for all of them but since the Paymaster General is now present, most of the problems related to pay should soon be resolved.
short description
Payment of Soldiers Has Begun with Arrival of Paymaster General
year created
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sent from location
Legion Ville
in collection
in microfilm
in publication
in image
Cited in Knox to Wayne, 01/19/1793.
Spans Images 159-162 of this collection.
Spans Images 159-162 of this collection.
cited note
Cited document addressed to the War Office
notable person/group
Henry Knox
Anthony Wayne
Major Rudolph
Quartermaster General
Deputy Quartermaster General
Mr. Henley
General Wilkinson
James Wilkinson
Pay Office
Lieutenant Britt
one hundred scouts and spies
Paymaster General
Captain Winston's Dragoons
General Putnam
Delaware Indians
Captain Butler
Deputy Attorney General
notable location
Legion Ville
Fort Washington
Fort Franklin
the frontiers of the upper Counties of Ohio
Fort Knox
the waters of the Ohio
Ohio River
notable item/thing
letter to Genl. Wilkinson
the estimate from the Pay Office
monies for the pay of the troops
the Act of March last
my orders to Lieut. Britt
letter from Genl. Putnam
the arrival of the Delaware Indians
treaty at Muskingam
mixture of stores
returns of the troops
notable phrase
the P.M.G.--who being now arrived & on the spot, I should suppose that every difficulty respecting forwarding the Pay of the troops will be removed, unless there are some powerful reasons to withhold it.
document number
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number of pages
No. 39. To Maj. Gen. Knox Secy of War
Legionville 10 Jany 1793
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th ultimo with the enclosures and had anticipated the enquiry you mention respecting [respec]ting the irregularity complained of in the mixture of stores & ca. sent under the escort of Maj. Rudulph to Fort Washington; and have the best ground to believe that affair was rather exaggerated from a visible propensity in the D.Q.M. General & Mr Henley to default their principals, than from any well founded complaint.
however, the enclosed copy of a letter to Genl Wilkinson upon that & other subjects will explain the cause why there might possibly be some little irregularity which probably would not have taken more time to rectify than to default.
By examining the estimate from the Pay Office, you will find the monies for the pay of the troops for what you call "the district of Genl Wilkinson" at & below Fort Washington was in the hands of the P.M.G. and Lieut Britt; and therefore only provides for the pay of the troops raised under the act of March last and for the garrisons of Fort Franklin, Fayette, Marietta & Galipolis and for one hundred scouts or spies, a great proportion of whom were on the frontiers of the upper Counties of Ohio.
And, as you justly conclude I had other & powerful reasons for not sending any forward by Maj: Rudulph, among which were, that Mr. Britt was necessarily detained at Pittsburgh in officiating as D. P. M Genl for the pay of the troops there; in addition to this he was the only person who could with propriety take take charge of the money drawn & receipted for, by himself; or, settle with the troops to which he was paymaster - besides Capt. Winston's Dragoons were hourly expected under whose escort Mr. Britt was to descend the River as soon as he had effected his business at Pittsburgh.
Those Dragoons have at length arrived and he has descended the river under the most favorable appearances of a safe & quick passage; and perhaps with a greater proportion of money than I was strictly justifiable in ordering conformable to the instructions mentioned in your letter of the 11th of Septr.
however every thing is now adjusted agreeably to the estimate of the P. M. General: a copy of which together with my orders to Lieut Britt, I have the honor to enclose you.
Should there be any balance remaining in the hands of the Q.M.G. it will be immediately drawn out, & placed in those of the P.M.G. - ; who being now arrived & on the spot I should suppose that every difficulty respecting forwarding the Pay of the troops will be removed until there are some powerful reasons to withhold it.
I have received a letter from Genl Putnam of which the enclosed is a copy; & I expect him at this place in the course of a few days; unless detained by the arrival of the Delaware Indians who who he has invited to a treaty at Muskingum.
I have lately received detached and confused Returns of the troops at the different Posts & Garrisons from Marietta to Fort Knox inclusive; which I shall digest into a general Return of all the troops under & subject to my command on the waters of the Ohio
In the interim, I have directed Capt. Butler who acts as D. A. G. pro tem to forward you a particular Return of the troops at this place and in its vicinity up to the 1st instant.
As soon as I have a little more leisure, I will make out & send you a sketch of Legionville and its' defences.
I have the honor to be with much & Sincere esteem your most obedt & very huml Servant
Anty Wayne
The Honble Maj. Gen. H Knox Secy of War
Legionville 10 Jany 1793
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th ultimo with the enclosures and had anticipated the enquiry you mention respecting [respec]ting the irregularity complained of in the mixture of stores & ca. sent under the escort of Maj. Rudulph to Fort Washington; and have the best ground to believe that affair was rather exaggerated from a visible propensity in the D.Q.M. General & Mr Henley to default their principals, than from any well founded complaint.
however, the enclosed copy of a letter to Genl Wilkinson upon that & other subjects will explain the cause why there might possibly be some little irregularity which probably would not have taken more time to rectify than to default.
By examining the estimate from the Pay Office, you will find the monies for the pay of the troops for what you call "the district of Genl Wilkinson" at & below Fort Washington was in the hands of the P.M.G. and Lieut Britt; and therefore only provides for the pay of the troops raised under the act of March last and for the garrisons of Fort Franklin, Fayette, Marietta & Galipolis and for one hundred scouts or spies, a great proportion of whom were on the frontiers of the upper Counties of Ohio.
And, as you justly conclude I had other & powerful reasons for not sending any forward by Maj: Rudulph, among which were, that Mr. Britt was necessarily detained at Pittsburgh in officiating as D. P. M Genl for the pay of the troops there; in addition to this he was the only person who could with propriety take take charge of the money drawn & receipted for, by himself; or, settle with the troops to which he was paymaster - besides Capt. Winston's Dragoons were hourly expected under whose escort Mr. Britt was to descend the River as soon as he had effected his business at Pittsburgh.
Those Dragoons have at length arrived and he has descended the river under the most favorable appearances of a safe & quick passage; and perhaps with a greater proportion of money than I was strictly justifiable in ordering conformable to the instructions mentioned in your letter of the 11th of Septr.
however every thing is now adjusted agreeably to the estimate of the P. M. General: a copy of which together with my orders to Lieut Britt, I have the honor to enclose you.
Should there be any balance remaining in the hands of the Q.M.G. it will be immediately drawn out, & placed in those of the P.M.G. - ; who being now arrived & on the spot I should suppose that every difficulty respecting forwarding the Pay of the troops will be removed until there are some powerful reasons to withhold it.
I have received a letter from Genl Putnam of which the enclosed is a copy; & I expect him at this place in the course of a few days; unless detained by the arrival of the Delaware Indians who who he has invited to a treaty at Muskingum.
I have lately received detached and confused Returns of the troops at the different Posts & Garrisons from Marietta to Fort Knox inclusive; which I shall digest into a general Return of all the troops under & subject to my command on the waters of the Ohio
In the interim, I have directed Capt. Butler who acts as D. A. G. pro tem to forward you a particular Return of the troops at this place and in its vicinity up to the 1st instant.
As soon as I have a little more leisure, I will make out & send you a sketch of Legionville and its' defences.
I have the honor to be with much & Sincere esteem your most obedt & very huml Servant
Anty Wayne
The Honble Maj. Gen. H Knox Secy of War
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (4 pages) | DTB01 (266 pages) | Collection: Anthony Wayne Letterbooks Vol.1-3 | V: 1 |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Microfilm: Anthony Wayne Papers | [unknown] |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Publication: Anthony Wayne, A Name in Arms | [unknown] |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Anthony Wayne | Legion Ville | [n/a] |
Recipient | Henry Knox | [unknown] | [n/a] |