House Response to the Annual Message



Modern Printed Transcription of Letter/Document


House Response to the Annual Message


The Speaker of the House explains the response of the House of Representatives to the President's annual message.

year created


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in collection

notable person/group

George Washington
Speaker of the House of Representatives [Frederick Muhlenberg]
Indian tribes
virtuous citizens
public councils

notable location


notable item/thing

mutual felicitation
national prosperity
hostile spirit of many of the Indian tribes
their perservering enmity
barbarous sacrifice of citizens
messengers of peace
zeal for public service
welfare of these misguided people [Indians]
safety and protection of our fellow citizens
opposition to the law imposing duties on spirits
preservation of true liberty
just authority of the laws
every consitutional aide and cooperation
contentment under the law
national justice
public decency
credit of the United States abroad
loans at Antwerp and Amsterdam
discharging the public debt
constitution of the State of Kentucky
transmission of newspapers
law establishing the post office
circulation of political intelligence
preventing the degeneracy of a free government
harmony and stability
the Constitution

notable phrase

While, with reget, we learn that symptoms of opposition to the law imposing duties on spirits distilled within the United States have manifested themselves, we reflect with consolation that they are confined to a small portion of our fellow citizens...[the consitution for the State of Kentucky] is another auspicious demonstration of the facility and success
with which an enlightened people is capable of providing, by free and deliberate plans of government, for their own safety and happiness.

document number


Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: American State Papers, Forgn Rel. [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Speaker of the House of Representatives [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient George Washington [unknown] [n/a]