Speech to Northwest Indians





Speech to Northwest Indians


Speech of Rufus Putnam, Agent to General Washington, for the purpose of treating with the Indians Northwest of the Ohio, and concluding a peace with the same. Indian tribes include the Delaware, Shawnee, Miami, and Wyandots.

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sent from location

Post Vincennes

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notable person/group

Rufus Putnam
George Washington

notable location

Post Vincennes
Wabash River
Illinois River

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They want to do you justice.

Now Brothers.
I send you this my speech by some of those who have been here at this great Treaty. They have seen and heard me; and are Witnesses to all what has passed between us, and they will tell you the Truth.

When you have heard my Speech, and all what my Messengers have to say to you, I desire your Wise men to consider it well. The great and good Spirit will then convince them of the good Intentions of the United States, and that the road is yet open to them, to become a happy People

I desire you to send some of your Wise Men with my Messengers to meet me at the mouth of the Muskingum, that we may see one another, and speak together before I return again to our great Chief General Washington. I shall direct everything so, that, you will have nothing to fear. Arise [Chon]; come and see me, and let us shake hands with one another.
A Bell.
Rufus Putnam Agent
Post-Vincent October 6th 1792
Nephew of [your] Putnum
The Speech of Rufus Putnam Agent to General Washington for the purpose of meating with the Indians north-west of the Ohio and concluding a Peach with the same.
== Brothers == of the Dellawares, Shawnese, Miamis, Wyandots, Vaa other Tribes inhabiting the Country on the Miamis and Sandusky Rivers, and on the Lake.
The great Chief of the United States, General Washington has sent since early in the Spring, Messages to you of Peace. And I who have come from this great Chief and his Council, more than four months ago, have also sent a Speech to you for that purpose.


1 Brothers.
2 Brothers.
3 Brothers.
4 Brothers.

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After waiting along time for your Answer, and not receiving any. I was encouraged to speak to the Nations on the Wabash, and the Illinois Rivers; and finding their Ears open, I held a Treaty with them at Tschushicking, [Reslvincents]! where we have buried the Hatchet, wiped off all the stains of Blood, and concluded a form and everlasting Peace.

I believe were you but once agreed to hear what I have to say to you, and should meet, see, and hear me, you would find that it would be for your good. As long as we dont see and hear one another, but listen to the singing Birds which fly to and fro, we are carried away with every story, and not only remain stranger to one anther bu Enemies also.

Open your Ears to the Truth. I speak from my Heart, not with my Lips only. I wish to see you happy. I wish a Peace established between you and the United States. I wish to see your Honor and Children go to rest without fear, and your young men become industrious Hunters so that you all young and old my live comfortable.

All this can be the case if you chose it. The United States dont mean to wrong you out of your lands. They dont want to take away your lands by force. They
B. Genl Putnams
Speech to the Dellawares

This speech was delivered to the has life Indians as the aglaze on the 29 [undecipherable] 1792 and on [undecipherable] at fort knom the 29 [undecipherable] 1793

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) IGC14 (3 pages) Collection: Northwest Territory Collection, M367 B: 1, F: 38
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Typed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Rufus Putnam [Transcript] Collection Vol 2 p. 152
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: American State Papers, Indian Aff. [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Rufus Putnam Post Vincennes [n/a]
Recipient Indians Northwest of Ohio River [unknown] [n/a]