Indian Affairs in Kentucky



Letter Signed


Indian Affairs in Kentucky


Secretary Knox discusses the protection of Kentucky; Indian warfare; and peace with Indians. Also mentions the militia; directs halt on aggression towards Indians; and discusses pay and rations of rangers. Relates the government policy of justness with Indians, its moderate and humane views, and desire for conclusion of a peace upon proper terms

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War Department


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notable person/group

Isaac Shelby
Henry Knox
Brigadier General Scott

notable location

War Department
Fort Washington
United States

notable item/thing

mustered upon oath at the commencement and termination of their services
duplicate copies of these musters should be made out to be retained by the officer commanding the party
Paymaster of the troops
pay abstracts
scouts have been ordered into service but no rangers
small parties of rangers
defensive protection
expence of the Union
pay and rations established for the troops
effective arrangement for the protection of Kentucky
restriction is not to extend to any depredatory parties of Indians
punished in an exemplary manner
case the pacific offers should fail of producing the desired effect
force is to decide the contest
cooperating with the army in the manner which may be requested by the commanding general agreeably to the law
commanding officer of the troops
negotiations may occupy a considerable portions of time
issue the most peremptory orders that no in roads by the Militia of Kentucky be made into the Indian Country until the effects of a pacific overtures be known
great mass of the Citizens
principles of just policy
explain to the indians the moderate and humane views
conclusion of a peace upon proper terms
levies have been made of troops for three years in order to be in a situation by the force of discipline and good order to take all measures which shall be deemed proper and necessary
Indian war
hold the protection of Kentucky against the depredations of the Indians as a primary object of his attention
order of the President of the United States
congratulate you upon the organization of the government of Kentucky
elevation to the office of Chief Magistrate

notable phrase

mustered upon oath at the commencement and termination of their services
duplicate copies of these musters should be made out to be retained by the officer commanding the party
Paymaster of the troops
pay abstracts
scouts have been ordered into service but no rangers
small parties of rangers
defensive protection
expence of the Union
pay and rations established for the troops
effective arrangement for the protection of Kentucky
restriction is not to extend to any depredatory parties of Indians
punished in an exemplary manner
case the pacific offers should fail of producing the desired effect
force is to decide the contest
cooperating with the army in the manner which may be requested by the commanding general agreeably to the law
commanding officer of the troops
negotiations may occupy a considerable portions of time
issue the most peremptory orders that no in roads by the Militia of Kentucky be made into the Indian Country until the effects of a pacific overtures be known
great mass of the Citizens
principles of just policy
explain to the indians the moderate and humane views
conclusion of a peace upon proper terms
levies have been made of troops for three years in order to be in a situation by the force of discipline and good order to take all measures which shall be deemed proper and necessary
Indian war
hold the protection of Kentucky against the depredations of the Indians as a primary object of his attention
order of the President of the United States
congratulate you upon the organization of the government of Kentucky
elevation to the office of Chief Magistrate

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[view document] (5 pages) EAC05 (5 pages) Collection: James Wilkinson Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox War Department [n/a]
Recipient Isaac Shelby [unknown] [n/a]