Reluctantly Accepting a Commission as Brigadier General



Modern Printed Transcription of Letter/Document


Reluctantly Accepting a Commission as Brigadier General


With reluctance, Israel Putnam informs Knox that he will accept his appointment as a brigadier general despite concerns regarding his advanced age, his health, and his family. He insists that the appointment be temporary and that he be able to retain his current position in the civil department.

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content note

Rufus Putnam Collection

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Rufus Putnam
President [Washington]

notable location


notable item/thing

advice and consent of the Senate
military line
private affairs
situation of my family
advanced age
state of health
honor of this appointment
duties of a soldier
temporary appointment
civil department

notable phrase

I have been this day honoured with your letter of the fifth inst. notifying me "that the president of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate has appointed me a Brigadier General." I have not the remotest wish to enter again into the military line. My private affairs and situation of my family all forbid it and my advanced age as well as state of health I fear will render me unable to perform the duties of a soldier with honour to myself and advantage to the service. The respect I owe to the President of the United States and the distressed situation of that country I now call mine obliges me to accept the honour of this appointment. But in justice to myself I must observe that provided however that I hold my rank from my commission in the late army, that I consider it a temporary appointment which I propose to resign as soon as the service will permit, and in the meantime that i retain my present office in the civil department.

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Rufus Putnam [Transcript] Collection Vol, 3 p. 114

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Rufus Putnam Philadelphia [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]