Major Craig sends status report from Fort Pitt to the Secretary at War
Autograph Letter Signed
Major Craig sends status report from Fort Pitt to the Secretary at War
Major Craig informs Knox of the deployment of scouting parties in response to stolen horses. Craig infers that Indians stole the horses and took them across the Ohio River.
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Cited in Knox to Craig, 03/31/1792.
cited note
Cited document addressed to the War Office
notable person/group
Henry Knox
Isaac Craig
General Wilkins
Colonel Sprout
Captain Baldwin
notable location
Fort Washington
Fort Franklin
Beaver Creek
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Pittsburgh March 24th 1792
I have Received your favor of the 7th Instant, together with a Letter addressed to General Wilkinson which I shall have an opportunity of forwarding tomorrow to Fort Washington.
Capt Cass & Ensign Andrews with fifty Men of his detachment Marched from this place the 20th & Expected to Reach Fort Franklin this day.
It is Reported that Horses have been stolen and carried across the Ohio near Wheeling & that Tracts of a small party of Indians have been discovered on Beaver Creek, thirty three Miles from this place but as a Number of Scouting parties are now Employed on Our Frontier, the Inhabitants Expect to keep their ground.
Major McCullys three Companies are full but he has not yet called on me for Arms.
Lieut Howe is arrived at Muskingum, Coll Sprout & Lt Howe have wrote to me for Ammunition for that Post. I have not yet heard of Capt. Baldwin since he left Fort Franklin, therefore suppose he must have Returned by way of Susquehannah.
I am Sir Your Obedt Humble Servant
Isaac Craig
Major Genl Henry Knox
Pittsburgh March 24th 1792
I have Received your favor of the 7th Instant, together with a Letter addressed to General Wilkinson which I shall have an opportunity of forwarding tomorrow to Fort Washington.
Capt Cass & Ensign Andrews with fifty Men of his detachment Marched from this place the 20th & Expected to Reach Fort Franklin this day.
It is Reported that Horses have been stolen and carried across the Ohio near Wheeling & that Tracts of a small party of Indians have been discovered on Beaver Creek, thirty three Miles from this place but as a Number of Scouting parties are now Employed on Our Frontier, the Inhabitants Expect to keep their ground.
Major McCullys three Companies are full but he has not yet called on me for Arms.
Lieut Howe is arrived at Muskingum, Coll Sprout & Lt Howe have wrote to me for Ammunition for that Post. I have not yet heard of Capt. Baldwin since he left Fort Franklin, therefore suppose he must have Returned by way of Susquehannah.
I am Sir Your Obedt Humble Servant
Isaac Craig
Major Genl Henry Knox
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (1 pages) | IAM31 (1 pages) | Collection: Isaac Craig Papers | IIA064 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Isaac Craig | Pittsburgh | [n/a] |
Recipient | Henry Knox | Philadelphia | [n/a] |