


Letter Signed


Letter, discusses frontier protection; discusses Indians and Indian warfare; mentions Treaty of Muskingum of 1789.

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Cited in Knox to Wilkinson, 03/10/1792.

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Cited document sent from the War Office

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James Wilkinson
Henry Knox

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United States

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indians who are prisoners
send them directly to the indian villages
receive and treat that person with kindness
pursuit of a proper character for this purpose
chiefs of the Six Nations
all offensive operations be restrained until after the effect of the mission should be known
desire for peace proceeds from pure motives of humanity
apprehensions of the final success of the war
strength and resources are such compared with the indian force
neither desire to conquer or extirpate the indians
desire is peace upon terms of moderation and justice
motives of protecting the frontiers
desire no lands but those hitherto obtained by fair treaty
Treaty of Muskingum
transmit you duplicates of my letters
reiterate to you the ardent desire of the President of the United States to make a proper and permanent peace with the indians
no hostile stroke should be made against them
mode shall be devised of placing before them truly and plainly the real objects of the United States

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[view document] (9 pages) EAC02 (9 pages) Collection: James Wilkinson Papers [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) BOL04 (0 pages) Collection: James Wilkinson Papers [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient James Wilkinson [unknown] [n/a]