Petition to Congress from the officers of the Massachusetts Line



Document Signed


Petition to Congress from the officers of the Massachusetts Line


Letter, committee of select officers of the Massachusetts Line petition Congress for compensation due to Revolutionary War veterans. Petition is signed by Heath, Brooks, Jackson, Eustis, Edwards, and Crocker.

short description

Ltr, dis memorial to Congress.

year created


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author note

W. Heath; J. Brooks; N. Jackson; W. Eustes; P. Edwards; Jo. Crocker.

notable person/group

see below
General William Hull
W. Heath
J. Brooks
H. Jackson
W. Eustis
P. Edwards
Jo. Crocker

notable location

United States

notable item/thing

convention of officers from all the states
America been conquered by Britain
life liberty or retribution
publick embarrassment which succeeded the peace
government and finances of the country wanted energy and even existence
interest nor character of the army
records of the old government contain ample and frequent acknowledgements that the services have been faithfully performed
universal disposition to remunerate them
failure on the part of the government
present government was instituted for the establishment of justice among other great objects
possess the power and ability
confidence in the liberality and justice of the existing administration
merits of our cause
depute an agent to congress
explain the nature of our application
subject of compensation for the losses sustained by them and the soldiers who served during the war
singular manner in which the services have been acknowledged and requited
letter bearing date
informed of the measures adopted pursuinig that object
memorial was presented to congress on the subject of our complaint
just debt as yet undischarged on the part of government
determination is to repeat our application and reassert our claim
obtain consideration and relief
cancelled by certificates received in the first impulse by a kind of compulsion alienated in most cases from necessity unsupported by funds
passing in exchange for only a sixth or a fifth of their nominal value
urged by a conviction that our request is founded on the immutable principles of reason, equity and justice
sense of duty to ourselves
faithful companions of the war
principle of affection and gratitude
claim has lain dormant and may have suffered diminution
honor to be appointed a committee by the officers of the Massachusetts line of the late army
attend to and prosecute their memorial to the Congress of the United States

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[view document] (2 pages) AKH15 (2 pages) Collection: Henry Knox Papers. [microfilm] R: 30, P: 123

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Officers of the Massachusetts Line [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Congress of the United States [unknown] [n/a]