Extract prepared by John Stagg



Letter Signed


Extract prepared by John Stagg


Letter, directs establishing additional posts; discusses hostile Indians; discusses state of frontier; discusses pay of troops; directs messages to hostile Indians; discusses provisions for army to be raised; discusses raising army; mentions militia.

short description

Ltr, dir establishing additional posts.

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

War Department


in image


An extract of this document is enclosed in Knox [Instructions to Brigadier General Rufus Putnam], 05/22/1792.

notable person/group

James Wilkinson
Henry Knox
General St. Clair
Major Hamtramck
Captain Cushing
Captain Haskell

notable location

War Department
Miami [River]
Fort Hamilton
Fort Jefferson
Fort Pitt
Fort Washington
United States

notable item/thing

intimations to the hostile indians of our desire for peace
obtain information of their designs, allies, numbers
posts of communication
transport abundant supplies of provisions
good health
consumption of the garrisons
works might be soon put into a state of defence
importance of this line of communication
inform the contractors of the probability of the employment of a considerable army
essential to their interests to have a due quantity of provisions on hand
considerable magazines of flour and salt meat
some risque would be encountered
consent to the calling forth the militia of the settlement
water communication
due regard must be had to the nature of the ground
season of indian activity
confided to your discretion
intermediate posts should be established
unequivocal evidence may hereafter be exhibited
produce a peace without further conflict
this principle is cried to its utmost extent every preparation for the next campaign must be made with the highest vigor
endeavor to impress these sentiments
wish for none of their lands
afford us an opportunity of convincing them of the truth of these assertions
manifest sincere dispositions on their parts
proper representation of all their tribes
state any grievances under which they labor, or suppose they labor
fail to give this proof of their desire for peace
compelled to raise a sufficient force to punish them for their past and to prevent their future crimes
enable the major to execute this business
instructions upon the subject
held accountable
sum to be delivered to you for similar objects
send similar messages
way of the lakes
names I am unwilling to commit to paper
demonstrate the authority of their missions
public mind has received strong impressions in favor of peace with the indians
prejudiced clamor has been raised against the war
place before the hostile indians their true situation
sends intelligent and confidential agents of the french inhabitants as well as the friendly indians among the hostile indians
hope that the river will soon break up and afford it a passage
river has been obstructed and no opportunity has occurred by land
adjust and pay the troops
Captains Cushing's and Haskell's companies arrived safe
reports upon the state of affairs on the frontiers
acknowledge the receipt of yours
accepting your commission
offering your opinion on the future operations to be carried on against the indians
submitted to the President of the United States

document number


page start


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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (14 pages) EAC01 (14 pages) Collection: James Wilkinson Papers [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) JBE07 (0 pages) Collection: Manuscript Collection. May 22, 1792

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Henry Knox War Department [n/a]
Recipient James Wilkinson [unknown] [n/a]