Discussion of various matters
Autograph Letter Signed
Discussion of various matters
Major Craig informs Secretary Knox that the militia will not reinforce Fort Franklin because the snow is too deep. Also mentions that the Senaca Indians are willing to take up arms with the United States if called upon. Lieutenant Jeffers has been advised to send a weekly runner between Fort Pitt and Fort Franklin.
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Fort Pitt
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Cited in Knox to Craig, 02/04/1792.
cited note
Cited document addressed to the War Office
notable person/group
Henry Knox
Isaac Craig
Lieutenant Jeffers
notable location
Fort Pitt
Fort Franklin
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Fort Pitt 26 Januy 1792
I Have Received Your favor of the 21st Instant, I am Useing every possible Exertion to forward the work for the defence of the Town & Stores, but the weather has been so severe, and such a quantity of Snow on the Ground that it has greatly Retarded the work
On the 21st Instant, I sent off the 2 Indians, that came from Fort Franklin, with the Militia Escort, and at the Request of Lieut Jeffers, have sent Joseph Nicholas*, ^Nicholson^ the Interpreter with them.
The Indians say that the Senecas are determined to take up arms for the U. S. if they are called upon.
I have advised Lt Jeffers to send a weekly Runner, between Fort Franklin & this place, to employ a trusty Indian along with one of his Men for that purpose, I mentioned this to the Indians, and one of them immediately offered his Service for that purpose.
The Snow is so deep that it is impossible to prevail on the Militia to go to Fort Franklin, and it is the General opinion that a Reinforcement is Unnecessary at present, the Indians say that it is impossible, that any attempt can be made against that Post before March.
I am Sir Your Obedt Humble Servt
Isaac Craig
Majr Genl H. Knox
I Have Received Your favor of the 21st Instant, I am Useing every possible Exertion to forward the work for the defence of the Town & Stores, but the weather has been so severe, and such a quantity of Snow on the Ground that it has greatly Retarded the work
On the 21st Instant, I sent off the 2 Indians, that came from Fort Franklin, with the Militia Escort, and at the Request of Lieut Jeffers, have sent Joseph Nicholas*, ^Nicholson^ the Interpreter with them.
The Indians say that the Senecas are determined to take up arms for the U. S. if they are called upon.
I have advised Lt Jeffers to send a weekly Runner, between Fort Franklin & this place, to employ a trusty Indian along with one of his Men for that purpose, I mentioned this to the Indians, and one of them immediately offered his Service for that purpose.
The Snow is so deep that it is impossible to prevail on the Militia to go to Fort Franklin, and it is the General opinion that a Reinforcement is Unnecessary at present, the Indians say that it is impossible, that any attempt can be made against that Post before March.
I am Sir Your Obedt Humble Servt
Isaac Craig
Majr Genl H. Knox
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (1 pages) | IAM23 (1 pages) | Collection: Isaac Craig Papers | IIA038 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Isaac Craig | Fort Pitt | [n/a] |
Recipient | Henry Knox | [unknown] | [n/a] |