Letter from Captain Joseph Shaylor on Captain Hardang's performance of duty at Fort Jefferson



Letter Signed


Letter from Captain Joseph Shaylor on Captain Hardang's performance of duty at Fort Jefferson


Writing to Samuel Hodgdon at Fort Washington, Joseph Shaylor, from Fort Jefferson, gives his opinion on the performance of duty of Captain Hardang, citing a confused situation at Fort Jefferson garrison which has rendered it impossible to have accurate accounts. All that could be done has been done by the Captain, and no man could be more attentive to duty.

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sent from location

Fort Jefferson


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Fort Washington

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notable person/group

Samuel Hodgdon
Captain Joseph Shaylor
Captain Hardang

notable location

Fort Washington
Fort Jefferson

notable idea/issue

supply and accountability problems at Fort Jefferson

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In image In source Location in source
[view document] (4 pages) ZLO06 (4 pages) Collection: Second Congress: Reports and Communications Submitted to the Senate by the Secretary of the Treasury [2A-F2] (RG46) B:1
[view document] (4 pages) ZLO06a (4 pages) Collection: Second Congress: Reports and Communications Submitted to the Senate by the Secretary of the Treasury [2A-F2] (RG46) B:1

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Shaylor Fort Jefferson [n/a]
Recipient Samuel Hodgdon Fort Washington [n/a]