Payment Due a Detachment Artillerists and Engineers Stationed at Fort Whetstonepoint, Baltimore Maryland
Document Signed
Payment Due a Detachment Artillerists and Engineers Stationed at Fort Whetstonepoint, Baltimore Maryland
Certification of payment; detachment Artillerists and Engineers stationed at Fort Whetstonepoint, Baltimore Maryland; $238.73 for pay of Lieutenant Samuel Dyson and new commissioned officers and privates of detachment.
year created
month created
day created
sent from location
Accountants Office
in collection
in image
author note
William Simmons
recipient note
James McHenry
notable person/group
James McHenry
William Simmons
John Kitty
Corps of Artillerists and Engineers
Lieutenant Samuel T Dyson
non-commissioned officers
Supervisor at Baltimore
notable location
Accountants Office
Fort Whetstonepoint
Whetstone Point
notable item/thing
document number
page start
Accountant Office
August 5th 1797
I certify that there is due to a Detachment of Artiliarists & Engineers stationed at Fort Whetstonepoint the sum of Two hundred thirty eight dollars and seventy three Cents being for the Pay of Lieutt James T. Dyson and the non Commissioned Officers and Privates of the said Detachment for July 1797 which sum is to be transmitted to John Kilty Supervisor at Baltimore to by by him paid to the said Lieutt Dyson who is to be held accountable for the due application thereof.
Drs238 73/100 Pay of the [undecipherable] 1797
Wm Simmons
The Secy of War
Accountant Office
August 5th 1797
I certify that there is due to a Detachment of Artiliarists & Engineers stationed at Fort Whetstonepoint the sum of Two hundred thirty eight dollars and seventy three Cents being for the Pay of Lieutt James T. Dyson and the non Commissioned Officers and Privates of the said Detachment for July 1797 which sum is to be transmitted to John Kilty Supervisor at Baltimore to by by him paid to the said Lieutt Dyson who is to be held accountable for the due application thereof.
Drs238 73/100 Pay of the [undecipherable] 1797
Wm Simmons
The Secy of War
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (1 pages) | DOP01 (431 pages) | Collection: Report Books of the Accountant of the War Department, Apr 14, 1795-Dec 31, 1817. (RG217) | V:B, P:9 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | William Simmons | Accountants Office | [n/a] |
Recipient | James McHenry | [unknown] | [n/a] |