Martin discusses Indian affairs



Autograph Letter Signed


Martin discusses Indian affairs


Letter, discusses Indian aggression; discusses pioneers and frontier life; asks Congress for money and land for garrison.

short description

Ltr, ask money and land for garrison.

year created


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day created



sent from location

Richmond, VA.

in image


Letter was likely to have been addressed to Knox

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Joseph Martin
Isaac Shelby

notable location

Richmond, VA.
United States
Cumberland River

notable item/thing

garrison was erected there and a trade opened to the Indians
strike where they have any trade
hope you will mention the matter to Congress
no news here from our army
numbers we had to encounter from the different tribes
necessity of travellers
could I have some indulgence from Congress
to purchase about one hundred acres of land from the Cherokees by order of Congress
know by the treaty that the ford of the river is the line
salvation of these people depended on my influence with the Indians
bank of Cumberland river
situation of our back-country is truly alarming
several people who lived at both my stations
killed within the course of this month
greatly feared for some time past
Indians would hear that I was discontinued as agent

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[view document] (1 pages) AJX09 (1 pages) Collection: Henry Knox Papers. [microfilm] V:27, P.68.

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Martin Richmond, VA. [n/a]