Copy of a Letter from Governor St. Clair to the Senior Officer of the Pennsylvania militia



Copy of Signed Document


Copy of a Letter from Governor St. Clair to the Senior Officer of the Pennsylvania militia


Orders to proceed to Fort Harmar expediently for campaign against hostile Indians. Indian policy discussed. The officer is to ensure the safety of his camp but also to be careful not to harm or harass any of the friendly Indian tribes which he or his troops may encounter.

short description

Copy of a letter from governor St. Clair to the Senior Officer of the Pennsylvania militia assembled at McMakens creek

year created


month created


day created


sent from location


sent to location

McMakins Creek

in image

author note

Arthur St. Clair

recipient note

Senior officers of the Pennsylvania Militia assembled at McMakins Creek

notable person/group

Arthur St.Clair
senior officer
Major Doughty
Indian Nation
federal troops

notable location

McMakins Creek
McMaken's Creek
Fort Harmar
Fort Washington

notable item/thing

whole quote of Pennsylvania
proper guards and patrols
right to hunt

document number


page start



Copy of a letter from governor StClair, to the senior officer of the Pennsylvania militia assembled at McMahens creek.
Pittsburgh, Aug:7:1790.
As soon as the detachments from the different counties are arrived you will proceed without loss of time to Fort Harmar at the mouth of the Muskingum, and there join the federal troops under the command of major Doughty, who will either conduct you to head quarters, or direct the manner in which you are to proceed to that place. I do hope and expect that nothing will prevent the whole quota of Pennsylvania from being assembled at the appointed place & time; after which, you will remain on that ground not a moment longer than is necessary. At all events you must be in motion from thence on, or before the 10th of September for the delaying beyond that period, even for one day, might create
difficulties & emabarrassments that would not be easily got over, if it did not render the expedition altogether abortive -- I have mentioned the 10th as the utmost period, but you are by no means to delay it to that time, if the different detachments are sooner arrived. Should it happen that any of them are not got up when you move leave directions for them to follow you with all possible expedition to Fort Washington without halting at Muskingum.
You will be sure to take the necessary measures for the security of your camp while you remain at the rendezvous, and on your way down the river possibly you may see no indians, or none that are hostile, but a surprise is ever to be guarded against, so that you will never encamp without establishing proper guards & patroles - nor even go ashore, for ever so short a time without the same precautions.
You will please to observe that many of the friendly indians, with
whom the United States are engaged by treaty, may be in the neighbourhood of McMahen's creek, and that they have a right to hunt in that country -- It is of great consequence that no injury be done to any of them, both for the sake of public faith, which has been pledged to them, and to keep them detached from those who are inimical -- You will therefore impress the necessity of treating those indains with kindness should any of them be met, with upon the minds of the people under your command in the most forceable manner -- indeed the success of the expedition in some measure depends upon it. They are the Wyandots and Delawares, if you see any of them assure them no harm is intended them, if the continue in peace.
/signed/ Ar. St. Clair

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (3 pages) NLA07 (3 pages) Collection: First Congress: Reports and Communications Submitted to the House of Representatives by the Secretary of War [1A-D2] (RG 233) {reference microfilm} P: 90-92

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Arthur St. Clair Pittsburgh [n/a]
Recipient Senior Officers of the PA Militia McMakins Creek [n/a]