Regarding the Petition of Joseph Tucker and Others



Document Signed


Regarding the Petition of Joseph Tucker and Others


Report on the petitions of Joseph Tucker, Thomas Hollis Condy, Robert Williams, and Samuel Armstrong. The Sec. of War did not allow the further payment of petitioning officers, whose claim was that they were paid less than similar agents in other states; their payment, however, was determined by the state.

short description

Regarding the Petition of Joseph Tucker and Other

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month created


day created



sent from location

War Office

in image

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Secretary of War
Joseph Tucker
Thomas Hollis Condy
Robert Williams
Samuel Armstrong
Massachusetts line
Paymaster General
Board of Treasury
Commissioner of Army accounts
House of Representatives

notable location

War Office

notable item/thing

late War
final settlement
resolution of Congress
Treasury certificates

document number


page start



Report of the Secretary of [War?] on the petition of [Joseph] Tucker and othersMay 25th 1790
2-1Ex. Doc.Returned to [undecipherable]by Secy Senate
[HP?]-[1B?]-C3(Formerly in LC Box 1)
1790 Secy of War, Henry KnoxMay 25 On petition of Joseph Tucker and others.
Marked: 2d1st Congress No. 1
The Secretary for the Department of War, to whom was reffered the petition of Joseph Tuck, Thomas Hollis Condy, Robert Williams, and Samuel Armstrong.
That the petitioners soon after the conclusion of the late War, were appointed Agents to the regiments of the Massachusetts Line; to which they had been attached for the purpose of receiving from the Paymaster General the certificates of final settlement due to Officers and Soldiers of the Regiments and paying the same.
That the petitioners accordingly received the following sums.--.Joseph Tucker, 176,615 dollars--Thomas Hollis Condy, 70,993--Robert Williams, 179,580 and Samuel Armstrong 184,116 dollars--
That on the 27th of May 1785, Congress resolved "that the Legislatures of the respective States to which [undecipherable] [undecipherable] other Agents appointed for the [undecipherable] of receiving from the Paymaster General certificates on a final settlement of the balances due to the Officers and Soldiers of the late Army belong, be, and they are hereby requested to cause the Services of the said Agents to be examined, and make them such
allowances as they may think them entitled to and charge the same to the United States. That such Agents deposit the certificates that may remain in their hands with the Supreme Executive of the States to which they belong, agreeably to the resolution of Congress of the 3d of November 1783."
That the late board of Treasury in conjunction with the Commissioner of Army accounts, in estimating the value of the services performed by Agents for regiments, or Corps, not appertaining to any State, determined it one per cent upon the amount actually issued, payable in certificates of the Treasury.
Although it may be inferred from the [statement?] of the petitioners that the allowance for their services was not fully adequate, or equal to the allowance made by some other States, or equal to the one per cent aforesaid in Treasury certificates, yet as the right of judgment on their services was transferred to the State of Massachusetts, to which the petitioners do not appear to [undecipherable] [undecipherable] it might be [undecipherable] [undecipherable] [ordinary?] measure for Congress at this period, whatever might be their opinion of the rate of compensation, to disapprove of the conduct of said State, or the allegation of the petitioners, either with respect to the sum granted or the mode of payment.
The Secretary of War therefore is of opinion, that this case is so circumstanced, that the petitioners cannot obtain any further allowances, unless the Legislature of Massachusetts should think proper to grant the same.
All which is humbly submitted to the House of Representatives.
War Office signed H Knox25 May 1790 Secr of War

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (5 pages) In image NKX12 (5 pages) In source Collection: First Congress: Reports and Communications Submitted to the House of Representatives by the Secretary of War [1A-D2] (RG 233) {reference microfilm} Location in source [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Type Author Name Henry Knox Location War Office Notes [n/a]