[Mr. Gamelin's Journal: Memorandum of sundry speeches held by Anthony Gamelin to the chiefs of the Ouabache (Wabash) and Miami nations]
Document Signed
[Mr. Gamelin's Journal: Memorandum of sundry speeches held by Anthony Gamelin to the chiefs of the Ouabache (Wabash) and Miami nations]
Recounts Gamelin's travels to various Indian villages with a speech offering peace to the Indian Nations. Promises of peace, no more stealing. Discussed contracting a peace between the Kickapoo and Chiefs of the Falls and peace with white people to be held at Post Vincennes. Details on the relationship between the Miami and Kickapoo tribes.
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Antoine Gamelin
Indian Nations
Arthur St. Clair
les Jambes crouches
Nation of the Lakes
white people
Lewis Lodes
Chief of the Falls
Blue Jacket
le Gois
Five Nations
Big Knife
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Miami town
Post Vincennes
a l'anguille
St. Vincennes
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red ink
black paper
white wampum
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Indian relations
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Mr: Gamelin's journal.
Memorandum of sundry speeches held by Anthony Gamelin to the chiefs of the Ouabach [Wabash] & Miami nations.
"I Anthony Gamelin by order of major Hamtramck set off from Fort Knox, the 5th of April to proceed to Miami Town, with the speeches of his excellency Arthur St. Clair and to receive answers of the Ouabache and Miami
Miami nations--the first village I arrived to is called Kikaponguoi, the name of the chief of this village is called les Jambes croches--him and his tribe have a good heart, and accepted the 'speech'.
The second village is at the river des Vermilion called Piankeshaws--the first chief and all the chief warriors were well pleased with the speeches concerning the peace; but they said they could not give presently a proper answer, before they consult the Miami nation their eldest brethren--they desired me to proceed to the Miami Town and by coming back to let them know what reception I got from them--the said head chief told me that he thought the nations of the lakes had a bad heart, and were ill disposed for the Americans--that the speeches would not be received particularly by the Charuanons* at Miami Town.
by those meant the Shawanese
The 10th of April I met thirteen Kickapoos warriors I asked them the purpose of their journey. We are for war said they, not against the white people
empty hands--they promised me to keep their young men from stealing, and to send Speeches to their nations in the prairies for to do the same. One of the chiefs desired me to listen to his Speech--"Is it true that a man called Lewis Lodes has in last Summer carried a letter, wrote with red ink upon b lack paper, directed tot he chief of the Falls, by the french and american people of the past inviting him for to punish his young men for to destroy the Kickapoos. Yourself Gamelin, you wrote the said letter without giving notice to the chiefs of that place as reported to us--But the Chief of the Falls answered, I don't understand the meaning of the writing a letter with vermilion--don't you know that the Kickapoos are my children as well as other nations--instead of destroying them, I want to contract a solid peace with them--that is a proof of a good heart of the great chief and we sincerely believe that what you say
people, but against the Chickasaws - I told them to be friends with white people - I gave them a letter for the commanding officer of Post Vincennes desiring them to go and shake hands with him - they promised to do it.
The 11th of April I reached a tribe of Kickapoos, the head chief and all the warriors being assembled I gave them two branches of white wampum, with the speeches of his excellency Arthur St. Clair, and those of Major Hamtramck (it might be observed that the speeches have been in another hand before me - the messenger could not proceed further than the Vermilion, on account of some private wrangling between the interpreter and some chief men of the tribe - moreover something in the speech displeased them very much which is included in the third article which says. "I do now make you the offer of peace, accept it or reject it as you please" - these words appeared to displease all the tribes to whom the first messenger; they told me
me they were menacing, and found that it might have a bad effect, I took upon myself to exclude them - and after making some apology they answered that him and his tribe were pleased with my speech, and that I could go up without danger, but that they could not presently give me an answer having some warriors absent, and without consulting the Ouiatenons being the owners of their lands - they desired me to stop at Quitepiconnae, that they would have the chiefs and warriors of Quiatenons and those of their nation assembled there, and would receive a proper answer - they said that they expected by me a draught of milk from the great chief and the commanding officer of the post, for to put the old people in good humor, also some powder and ball for the young men for hunting, and for to get some good broth for their women and children, that I should know a bearer of speeches, should never be with empty
say concerning the peace is very true - another proof of his good heart we heard, that Ducoign applied to the commanding officer of the Post for to go against us, with the french people his brethern, but he got a refusal."
"The 14th of April the Quiatenons and the Kikapoos were assembled - after my speech one of the head chiefs got up and told me "You Gamelin my friend and son in law, we are pleased to see in our village, and to hear by your mouth the good words of the great Chief - we thought to receive a few words from the french people, but I see the contrary, none but the big knife is sending speeches to us - you know that we can terminate nothing without the consent of our brethren the Miamies. I invite you to proceed to their village, and to speak to them - there is one thing in your speech I don't like -- I will not tell of it; even was I drunk I would perceive
perceive it, but our elder brethern will certainly take notice of it in your speech - you invite us to stop our young men, it is impossible to do it, being constantly encouraged by the british." Another chief got up and said, "the Americans are very flattering in their speeches - many times our nation went to their rendezvous - I was once myself - some of our chiefs died on the route, and we always came back all naked; and you Gamelin, you come with speech with empty hands" - another chief got up and said to his young men - "If we are so poor and dressed in deer skins, it is our own fault - our french traders are leaving us and our villages because you plunder them every day, and it is time for us to have another conduct." Another chief got up and said - "Know ye that the village of Ouiatanon is the sepulchre of all our ancestors - the chief of America invites us to go
go to him if we are for peace - he has not his leg broke having been able to go as far as the Illinois - he might come here himself and we should be glad to see him in our village - He confess that we accepted the axe, but it is by the reproach we continually received from the english and other nations which received the axe first, calling us women - at the present time they invite our young men to war - as to the old people they are wishing for peace - they could not give me an answer before they receive advice from the Miamies their eldest brethern.
The 18th of April I arrived to the river of l'anguille. The chief of the village and those of war were not present. I explained the speeches to some of the tribe, they said they were well pleased, but they could not give me an answer, their chief men being absent, "they desired me to stop at their village coming back and they sent with me one of their men for to hear the answer of their eldest brethern."
the 23d April I arrived at the Miami Town, the next day I got the
the Miami nation, the Chanianons* and Delawares all assembled - I gave to each nation two branches of wampum, and began the speeches before the french and english traders, being invited by the chiefs to be present, having told them myself, I would be glad to have them present having nothing to say against any body - after the speech. I shewed them the treaty concluded at Muskingum between his excellency Governor St. Clair and sundry nations; which displeased them - I told them that the purpose of this present time was not to submit them to any condition, but to offer them the peace, which made disappear their displeasure. The great chief told me that he was pleased with the speech - that he would soon give me an answer. In a private discourse with the great chief he told me not to mind what the Chaouanons would tell me having a bad heart & being the perturbators of all the nations. He said the Miamies had a bad name in on account of mischief done on the river Ohio, but he told me it was not occasioned by his young men, but by the Chaouanons
Chanianons, his young man going out only for to hunt."
"The 25th of April, Blue jacket, chief warrior of the Chaouanons invited me to go to his house, and told me, "My friend by the name and consent of the Chaouanons and Delawares I will speak to you. We are all sensible of your speech and pleased with it, but after consultation we cannot give an answer without hearing from our father at Detroit, and we are determined to give you back the two branches of wampum, and to send you to Detroit to see and hear the chief, or to stay here twenty nights for to receive his answer - from all quarters we receive speeches from the americans, and not one is alike - We suppose that they intend to deceive us - then take back your branches of wampum."
The 26th five Potewatamies arrived here with two negro men which they sold to english traders - The next day I went to the great chief of the Miamies called le Gris - his chief warrior was present - I told him how I had been served by the Chaouanons
Chaouanons - he answered me that he had heard of it - that the said nation behaved contrary to his intentions - he desired me not to mind those strangers, and that he would soon give me a positive answer."
The 28th April the great chief desired me to call to the french traders, and receive his answer - Don't take bad said he, of what I am to tell you - "You may go back when you please - we cannot give you a positive answer - we must send your speeches to all our neighbours and to the lake nations - we cannot give a definitive answer without consulting the Commandant of Detroit," And he desired me to render hi the two branches of wampum refused by the Chaouanons, also a copy of speeches in writing - he promised me that in thirty nights he would send an answer to Post Ft Vincennes, by a young man of each nation - he was well pleased with the speeches, and said to be worthy of attention, and should be communicated to all their confederates having resolved among them not to do anything without
without an unanimous consent. I agreed to his requisition and rendered him the two branches of wampums and a copy of the speeches afterwards he told me that the five nations, so called or Iroquois were training something - that five of them and three Wyandots were in this village with branches of wampum - he could not tell me presently their purpose but he said I would know of it very soon."
"The same day blue Jacket chief of the Chaouanons invited me to his house for supper, and before the other chiefs told me that after another deliberation they thought necessary that I should go myself to Detroit, for to see the commandant, who would get all his children assembled for to hear my speech - I told them that I would not answer them in the night - that I was not ashamed to speak before the sun."
The 29th April, I got them all assembled. I told them that I was not to go to Detroit that the speeches were directed to the nations of the river Ouabache and the Miami, and that for to prove the sincerity of the speech and the
the heart of governor St. Clair, I have willingly given a copy of the speeches to be shown to the commandant of Detroit - that his excellency will be glad to hear that his speeches have been sent to Detroit - and according to a letter wrote by the commandant of Detroit to the Miamies, Chaouanons and Delawares mentioning to you to be peaceable with the americans, I would go to him very willingly, if it was my directions, being sensible of his sentiments. I told them that I had nothing to say to the commandant, neither him to me - you must immediately resolve if you intend to go back as soon as possible. Blue jacket got up and told me, "My friend we are well pleased with what you say, our intention is not to force you to go to Detroit, it is only a proposal thinking it for the best - Our answer is the same as the Miamies. We will send in thirty nights a full and positive answer by a young man of each nation by writing to Post Ft.Vincennes. In the evening Blue Jacket chielf of the Chaouanons having taken me to supper
supper with him, told me in a private manner "that the nation Chaouanon was in doubt of the sincerity of the Big knife so called, having been already deceived by them - that they had first destroyed their lands, put out their fire and sent away their young men, being a hunting without a mouthful of meat; also had taken away their women, wherefore many of them would with great deal of pain forget these affronts moreover that some other nations was apprehending that offers of peace would, may be tend to take away by degrees their lands, and would serve them as they did before a certain proof that they intend to encroach on our lands, is their settlement on the Ohio - if they don't keep this side clear, it will never be a proper reconcilement with the nations, Chaouanons, Iroquois, Wiandots and perhaps many others." Le Gris chief of the Miamies asked me in a private discourse, what chief had made a treaty with the Americans at Muskingum. I answered him that their names were mentioned in the treaty. He
"he told me that he had heard of it some time ago, but they are not chiefs, neither delegates who made that treaty - they are only young men who without authority and instruction from their chiefs have concluded that treaty which will not be approved - they went to that treaty clandestinely, and they intend to make mention of it in the next council to be hold."
"The 2d of May I came back to the river a l'anguille. One of the chief man of the tribe being witness of the council at Miami Town, repeated the whole to them; and whereas the first chief was absent they said they could not for present time give answer, but they are willing to join their speech to those of their oldest brethern - "To give you proof of an open heart, we let you know, that one of our chiefs is gone to war on the Americans, but it was before we heard of you for certain they would not have been gone thither." The also told me that a few days after I passed by their village seventy warriors, Sauteux,
Sautaux and Outawais from Michilimackinack arrived there some of the were [undecipherable] who meeting on their route the Sauteux and Outawais joined them - "We told them what we heard by you, that your speech is fair and true - We couldnot stop them from going to war. The [Possx?] told us that as the Sauteux and Outawais were more numerous than them, they were forced to follow them".
The 3d of May I gotto the Ouias - they told me, they were waiting for an answer from their oldest brethern - "We approve very much our brethern for not to give a definitive answer without informing of it, all the Lake nations - that Detroit was the place where the fire was lighted - then it ought first to be put out there - that the english commandant is their father, since he threw down our french father they could no nothing without his approbation."
The 4th of May I arrived at the village of the Kikapoos. The chief presenting me two branches of wampum, black & white, said "My son we cannot stop
stop our young men from going to war every day some set off clandestinely for that purpose - after such behaviour from our young men we are ashamed to say to the great chief at the Illinois, and of the post Ft. Vincennes, that we are busy about some good affairs, for the reconcilement - but be persuaded that we will speak to them continually concerning the peace; and that when our eldest brethern will have sent their answer, we will join ours to it."
The 5th of May I arrived at Vermilion - I found nobody but two chiefs - all the rest were gone a hunting they told me, they had nothing else to say but what I was told going up - They told me that, the Grosse Tête, a warrior absent appears to have a bad heart.
Signed, Antoine Gamelin. Messenger,
This 17th day of May appeared before me Mr Antoine Gamelin and swore that the within is the truth the whole truth
truth an nothing but the truth.
(Signed) fs Hamtramck Major Commdt
(Signed) Ar S Clair.
Memorandum of sundry speeches held by Anthony Gamelin to the chiefs of the Ouabach [Wabash] & Miami nations.
"I Anthony Gamelin by order of major Hamtramck set off from Fort Knox, the 5th of April to proceed to Miami Town, with the speeches of his excellency Arthur St. Clair and to receive answers of the Ouabache and Miami
Miami nations--the first village I arrived to is called Kikaponguoi, the name of the chief of this village is called les Jambes croches--him and his tribe have a good heart, and accepted the 'speech'.
The second village is at the river des Vermilion called Piankeshaws--the first chief and all the chief warriors were well pleased with the speeches concerning the peace; but they said they could not give presently a proper answer, before they consult the Miami nation their eldest brethren--they desired me to proceed to the Miami Town and by coming back to let them know what reception I got from them--the said head chief told me that he thought the nations of the lakes had a bad heart, and were ill disposed for the Americans--that the speeches would not be received particularly by the Charuanons* at Miami Town.
by those meant the Shawanese
The 10th of April I met thirteen Kickapoos warriors I asked them the purpose of their journey. We are for war said they, not against the white people
empty hands--they promised me to keep their young men from stealing, and to send Speeches to their nations in the prairies for to do the same. One of the chiefs desired me to listen to his Speech--"Is it true that a man called Lewis Lodes has in last Summer carried a letter, wrote with red ink upon b lack paper, directed tot he chief of the Falls, by the french and american people of the past inviting him for to punish his young men for to destroy the Kickapoos. Yourself Gamelin, you wrote the said letter without giving notice to the chiefs of that place as reported to us--But the Chief of the Falls answered, I don't understand the meaning of the writing a letter with vermilion--don't you know that the Kickapoos are my children as well as other nations--instead of destroying them, I want to contract a solid peace with them--that is a proof of a good heart of the great chief and we sincerely believe that what you say
people, but against the Chickasaws - I told them to be friends with white people - I gave them a letter for the commanding officer of Post Vincennes desiring them to go and shake hands with him - they promised to do it.
The 11th of April I reached a tribe of Kickapoos, the head chief and all the warriors being assembled I gave them two branches of white wampum, with the speeches of his excellency Arthur St. Clair, and those of Major Hamtramck (it might be observed that the speeches have been in another hand before me - the messenger could not proceed further than the Vermilion, on account of some private wrangling between the interpreter and some chief men of the tribe - moreover something in the speech displeased them very much which is included in the third article which says. "I do now make you the offer of peace, accept it or reject it as you please" - these words appeared to displease all the tribes to whom the first messenger; they told me
me they were menacing, and found that it might have a bad effect, I took upon myself to exclude them - and after making some apology they answered that him and his tribe were pleased with my speech, and that I could go up without danger, but that they could not presently give me an answer having some warriors absent, and without consulting the Ouiatenons being the owners of their lands - they desired me to stop at Quitepiconnae, that they would have the chiefs and warriors of Quiatenons and those of their nation assembled there, and would receive a proper answer - they said that they expected by me a draught of milk from the great chief and the commanding officer of the post, for to put the old people in good humor, also some powder and ball for the young men for hunting, and for to get some good broth for their women and children, that I should know a bearer of speeches, should never be with empty
say concerning the peace is very true - another proof of his good heart we heard, that Ducoign applied to the commanding officer of the Post for to go against us, with the french people his brethern, but he got a refusal."
"The 14th of April the Quiatenons and the Kikapoos were assembled - after my speech one of the head chiefs got up and told me "You Gamelin my friend and son in law, we are pleased to see in our village, and to hear by your mouth the good words of the great Chief - we thought to receive a few words from the french people, but I see the contrary, none but the big knife is sending speeches to us - you know that we can terminate nothing without the consent of our brethren the Miamies. I invite you to proceed to their village, and to speak to them - there is one thing in your speech I don't like -- I will not tell of it; even was I drunk I would perceive
perceive it, but our elder brethern will certainly take notice of it in your speech - you invite us to stop our young men, it is impossible to do it, being constantly encouraged by the british." Another chief got up and said, "the Americans are very flattering in their speeches - many times our nation went to their rendezvous - I was once myself - some of our chiefs died on the route, and we always came back all naked; and you Gamelin, you come with speech with empty hands" - another chief got up and said to his young men - "If we are so poor and dressed in deer skins, it is our own fault - our french traders are leaving us and our villages because you plunder them every day, and it is time for us to have another conduct." Another chief got up and said - "Know ye that the village of Ouiatanon is the sepulchre of all our ancestors - the chief of America invites us to go
go to him if we are for peace - he has not his leg broke having been able to go as far as the Illinois - he might come here himself and we should be glad to see him in our village - He confess that we accepted the axe, but it is by the reproach we continually received from the english and other nations which received the axe first, calling us women - at the present time they invite our young men to war - as to the old people they are wishing for peace - they could not give me an answer before they receive advice from the Miamies their eldest brethern.
The 18th of April I arrived to the river of l'anguille. The chief of the village and those of war were not present. I explained the speeches to some of the tribe, they said they were well pleased, but they could not give me an answer, their chief men being absent, "they desired me to stop at their village coming back and they sent with me one of their men for to hear the answer of their eldest brethern."
the 23d April I arrived at the Miami Town, the next day I got the
the Miami nation, the Chanianons* and Delawares all assembled - I gave to each nation two branches of wampum, and began the speeches before the french and english traders, being invited by the chiefs to be present, having told them myself, I would be glad to have them present having nothing to say against any body - after the speech. I shewed them the treaty concluded at Muskingum between his excellency Governor St. Clair and sundry nations; which displeased them - I told them that the purpose of this present time was not to submit them to any condition, but to offer them the peace, which made disappear their displeasure. The great chief told me that he was pleased with the speech - that he would soon give me an answer. In a private discourse with the great chief he told me not to mind what the Chaouanons would tell me having a bad heart & being the perturbators of all the nations. He said the Miamies had a bad name in on account of mischief done on the river Ohio, but he told me it was not occasioned by his young men, but by the Chaouanons
Chanianons, his young man going out only for to hunt."
"The 25th of April, Blue jacket, chief warrior of the Chaouanons invited me to go to his house, and told me, "My friend by the name and consent of the Chaouanons and Delawares I will speak to you. We are all sensible of your speech and pleased with it, but after consultation we cannot give an answer without hearing from our father at Detroit, and we are determined to give you back the two branches of wampum, and to send you to Detroit to see and hear the chief, or to stay here twenty nights for to receive his answer - from all quarters we receive speeches from the americans, and not one is alike - We suppose that they intend to deceive us - then take back your branches of wampum."
The 26th five Potewatamies arrived here with two negro men which they sold to english traders - The next day I went to the great chief of the Miamies called le Gris - his chief warrior was present - I told him how I had been served by the Chaouanons
Chaouanons - he answered me that he had heard of it - that the said nation behaved contrary to his intentions - he desired me not to mind those strangers, and that he would soon give me a positive answer."
The 28th April the great chief desired me to call to the french traders, and receive his answer - Don't take bad said he, of what I am to tell you - "You may go back when you please - we cannot give you a positive answer - we must send your speeches to all our neighbours and to the lake nations - we cannot give a definitive answer without consulting the Commandant of Detroit," And he desired me to render hi the two branches of wampum refused by the Chaouanons, also a copy of speeches in writing - he promised me that in thirty nights he would send an answer to Post Ft Vincennes, by a young man of each nation - he was well pleased with the speeches, and said to be worthy of attention, and should be communicated to all their confederates having resolved among them not to do anything without
without an unanimous consent. I agreed to his requisition and rendered him the two branches of wampums and a copy of the speeches afterwards he told me that the five nations, so called or Iroquois were training something - that five of them and three Wyandots were in this village with branches of wampum - he could not tell me presently their purpose but he said I would know of it very soon."
"The same day blue Jacket chief of the Chaouanons invited me to his house for supper, and before the other chiefs told me that after another deliberation they thought necessary that I should go myself to Detroit, for to see the commandant, who would get all his children assembled for to hear my speech - I told them that I would not answer them in the night - that I was not ashamed to speak before the sun."
The 29th April, I got them all assembled. I told them that I was not to go to Detroit that the speeches were directed to the nations of the river Ouabache and the Miami, and that for to prove the sincerity of the speech and the
the heart of governor St. Clair, I have willingly given a copy of the speeches to be shown to the commandant of Detroit - that his excellency will be glad to hear that his speeches have been sent to Detroit - and according to a letter wrote by the commandant of Detroit to the Miamies, Chaouanons and Delawares mentioning to you to be peaceable with the americans, I would go to him very willingly, if it was my directions, being sensible of his sentiments. I told them that I had nothing to say to the commandant, neither him to me - you must immediately resolve if you intend to go back as soon as possible. Blue jacket got up and told me, "My friend we are well pleased with what you say, our intention is not to force you to go to Detroit, it is only a proposal thinking it for the best - Our answer is the same as the Miamies. We will send in thirty nights a full and positive answer by a young man of each nation by writing to Post Ft.Vincennes. In the evening Blue Jacket chielf of the Chaouanons having taken me to supper
supper with him, told me in a private manner "that the nation Chaouanon was in doubt of the sincerity of the Big knife so called, having been already deceived by them - that they had first destroyed their lands, put out their fire and sent away their young men, being a hunting without a mouthful of meat; also had taken away their women, wherefore many of them would with great deal of pain forget these affronts moreover that some other nations was apprehending that offers of peace would, may be tend to take away by degrees their lands, and would serve them as they did before a certain proof that they intend to encroach on our lands, is their settlement on the Ohio - if they don't keep this side clear, it will never be a proper reconcilement with the nations, Chaouanons, Iroquois, Wiandots and perhaps many others." Le Gris chief of the Miamies asked me in a private discourse, what chief had made a treaty with the Americans at Muskingum. I answered him that their names were mentioned in the treaty. He
"he told me that he had heard of it some time ago, but they are not chiefs, neither delegates who made that treaty - they are only young men who without authority and instruction from their chiefs have concluded that treaty which will not be approved - they went to that treaty clandestinely, and they intend to make mention of it in the next council to be hold."
"The 2d of May I came back to the river a l'anguille. One of the chief man of the tribe being witness of the council at Miami Town, repeated the whole to them; and whereas the first chief was absent they said they could not for present time give answer, but they are willing to join their speech to those of their oldest brethern - "To give you proof of an open heart, we let you know, that one of our chiefs is gone to war on the Americans, but it was before we heard of you for certain they would not have been gone thither." The also told me that a few days after I passed by their village seventy warriors, Sauteux,
Sautaux and Outawais from Michilimackinack arrived there some of the were [undecipherable] who meeting on their route the Sauteux and Outawais joined them - "We told them what we heard by you, that your speech is fair and true - We couldnot stop them from going to war. The [Possx?] told us that as the Sauteux and Outawais were more numerous than them, they were forced to follow them".
The 3d of May I gotto the Ouias - they told me, they were waiting for an answer from their oldest brethern - "We approve very much our brethern for not to give a definitive answer without informing of it, all the Lake nations - that Detroit was the place where the fire was lighted - then it ought first to be put out there - that the english commandant is their father, since he threw down our french father they could no nothing without his approbation."
The 4th of May I arrived at the village of the Kikapoos. The chief presenting me two branches of wampum, black & white, said "My son we cannot stop
stop our young men from going to war every day some set off clandestinely for that purpose - after such behaviour from our young men we are ashamed to say to the great chief at the Illinois, and of the post Ft. Vincennes, that we are busy about some good affairs, for the reconcilement - but be persuaded that we will speak to them continually concerning the peace; and that when our eldest brethern will have sent their answer, we will join ours to it."
The 5th of May I arrived at Vermilion - I found nobody but two chiefs - all the rest were gone a hunting they told me, they had nothing else to say but what I was told going up - They told me that, the Grosse Tête, a warrior absent appears to have a bad heart.
Signed, Antoine Gamelin. Messenger,
This 17th day of May appeared before me Mr Antoine Gamelin and swore that the within is the truth the whole truth
truth an nothing but the truth.
(Signed) fs Hamtramck Major Commdt
(Signed) Ar S Clair.
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (19 pages) | NLA04 (19 pages) | Collection: First Congress: Reports and Communications Submitted to the House of Representatives by the Secretary of War [1A-D2] (RG 233) {reference microfilm} | P: 66-84 |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Collection: Printed Versions | [unknown] |
[view document] (0 pages) | [no image] | Publication: American State Papers | [unknown] |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Antoine Gamelin | [unknown] | [n/a] |