Discussion of Robbery at Military Storehouse



Contemporary Copy of Letter


Discussion of Robbery at Military Storehouse


Letter, describes burglary of public stores.

short description

Ltr, des burglary of public stores.

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notable person/group

Henry Knox
Jeremiah Olney
Secretary of War

notable location

Rhode Island
military storehouse

notable item/thing

inform you that after comparing the returns I found there had been so moderate a demand
finding the window greatly facilitated the removal of the brick as the mortar would unavoidably shrink from the wood
advisable to knock out the frame & fill up the space with solid brick
magazine is now entire brick wall except the entrance into the first story
secured by double doors and locks
any future attempt be rendered as difficult as possible
bar of iron
who supplied the men with powder for the occasion
advertise in the gazette with a reward of eight dollars to paid on the conviction of the thief or thieves
guarding effectually against the secret designs of robberies of these damn schoundrells [scoundrels]
most watchful eye for the preservation of the public deposit committed to my trust
this will acquaint you that on the morning
discovered that the magazine containing the public stores in this town had been broak [broke] open on the preceding night
breach was made under window in the second story by removing three courses of brick
villain must have introduced his arm and with some instrument rench'd off the pad lock & hooks that secured the window
burglary of public stores

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[view document] (2 pages) AWB03 (2 pages) Collection: Jeremiah Olney Papers B:1777-1813,F:1788-89.

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Jeremiah Olney Providence [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]