Talk of the Commissioners to the Chiefs, Head-men, and Warriors of the Creek Nation



Modern Printed Transcription of Letter/Document


Talk of the Commissioners to the Chiefs, Head-men, and Warriors of the Creek Nation


Reference to calamities of late war with Great Britain; how the United States has recovered and obtained liberty and independence; that the United States is at peace and its numbers are increasing. The Union has grown to manhood and can speak with a louder voice and strike with a stronger arm. Refers to General Washington as the head man of all councils and chief of all warriors. Discusses the economic benefits of alliance with United States. This talk is intended as a prelude to presentation of treaty terms.

year created


month created


day created


secondary recipient

in collection


Enclosed in Lincoln, Griffin, and Humphreys [], 11/17/1789.Report of the Commissioners for treating with the Southern Indians

author note

Benjamin Lincoln; Cyrus Griffin; D. Humphreys.

cited note

Cited document that was neither sent to nor from the War Office

notable person/group

Benjamin Lincoln
Cyrus Griffin
D. Humphreys
General Washington
head man of all councils and chief of all warriors
Commissioners for Indian Affairs in Southern Department
Commissioners for treating with the Southern Indians

notable location

Rock Landing Georgia
Great Britain

notable item/thing

war with Great Britain
alliance with United States
treaty terms
Report of the Commissioners for treating with the Southern Indians
Indian talks
economic benefits

document number


Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Printed Versions [unknown]
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Publication: American State Papers, Indian Aff. [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Commissioners for Indian Affairs in Southern Department [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Creek Chiefs [unknown] [n/a]