Instruction for Travel to Georgia
Autograph Letter Signed
Instruction for Travel to Georgia
Secretary of War orders Captain Henry Burbeck to Georgia for treaty with Creeks. Specified that Capt. Savage be left an order to forward a detachment to reinforce Burbeck as soon as Savage arrives from Springfield to West Point. Authorized one month pay to be given to Burbeck's soldiers before they depart for Georgia. If Burbeck is not well supplied, Knox suggested he draw from Capt. Price all necessary accoutrements.
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War Office
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notable person/group
Henry Burbeck
Henry Knox
Indian Nation
notable location
War Office
West Point
New York
notable item/thing
horseman's tents
hospital tents
medicine chest
notable idea/issue
Indian relations
transportation of supplies
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War Office August 22 1789
In consequence of my orders to Capt. Savage he began his march from Spring-field with his company on the 19th inst - he will probably be at West Point by the 25th or 26th.
As foon as he fhall arrive, or before provided he does not arrive by the 26th you will with your company embark for this place - you must not delay your embarkation longer than the 27th instant if he fhould not arrive but I would prefere you embarking the 26th as you must be here as foon as pofsible - In addition to your own company you will not draft fo many men from Capt. Savages company as to complete your to 52 non-commifsioned and privates including
including your two Musicians - If therefore Capt. Savage fhould not arrive before you embarke, leave him an order to forward you the detachment instantly on his arrival. and alfo a copy of this part of my letter, fo that there may be no delay.
At your arrival here, you are to embarke for Georgia in order to ferve as a guard to General Lincoln and two other Commifsioners, who are going to hold a treaty with the Creeke Indians - After the treaty is over you will return to this place again.
Your surgeon and Medicine Chest must also accompany you.
If you are not well accoutred you must draw what may be necessary from Capt. Price - also Haversacks and Knapsacks and utensils for cooking - flints, boxes of ammunition equal to sixty rounds [undecipherable] man, and every thing in every line in perfect order.
Capt. Price will find you a vessel, on board of which you shall embark - no time to be lost in this particular.
I have mentioned your destination because it might so happen that you or some of your officers might find it convenient to exchange duties with Capt. Savage or his officers, in which case
case it would be agreable to me - but this arrangement must not delay the br embarkation of the troops.
As foon as you arrive in New Yorke, you will repair to this Office for further instructions.
I am Sir
Your Most obedient Servant
HKnox --
Capt. Henry Burbeck
Letter from [undecipherable]
Orders to march to Georgia
22nd Aug
In consequence of my orders to Capt. Savage he began his march from Spring-field with his company on the 19th inst - he will probably be at West Point by the 25th or 26th.
As foon as he fhall arrive, or before provided he does not arrive by the 26th you will with your company embark for this place - you must not delay your embarkation longer than the 27th instant if he fhould not arrive but I would prefere you embarking the 26th as you must be here as foon as pofsible - In addition to your own company you will not draft fo many men from Capt. Savages company as to complete your to 52 non-commifsioned and privates including
including your two Musicians - If therefore Capt. Savage fhould not arrive before you embarke, leave him an order to forward you the detachment instantly on his arrival. and alfo a copy of this part of my letter, fo that there may be no delay.
At your arrival here, you are to embarke for Georgia in order to ferve as a guard to General Lincoln and two other Commifsioners, who are going to hold a treaty with the Creeke Indians - After the treaty is over you will return to this place again.
Your surgeon and Medicine Chest must also accompany you.
If you are not well accoutred you must draw what may be necessary from Capt. Price - also Haversacks and Knapsacks and utensils for cooking - flints, boxes of ammunition equal to sixty rounds [undecipherable] man, and every thing in every line in perfect order.
Capt. Price will find you a vessel, on board of which you shall embark - no time to be lost in this particular.
I have mentioned your destination because it might so happen that you or some of your officers might find it convenient to exchange duties with Capt. Savage or his officers, in which case
case it would be agreable to me - but this arrangement must not delay the br embarkation of the troops.
As foon as you arrive in New Yorke, you will repair to this Office for further instructions.
I am Sir
Your Most obedient Servant
HKnox --
Capt. Henry Burbeck
Letter from [undecipherable]
Orders to march to Georgia
22nd Aug
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (4 pages) | MBB03 (4 pages) | Collection: Henry Knox Papers | [unknown] |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Author | Henry Knox | War Office | [n/a] |
Recipient | Henry Burbeck | [unknown] | [n/a] |