George Morgan's Speech to the Indians



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George Morgan's Speech to the Indians


Speech of George Morgan to the Delawares, Shawanese, and Cherokees at New Madrid in April 1789 in which he declares the peaceful intentions of the United States toward these tribes.

year created


month created



in collection

in image

notable person/group

George Morgan
Monsieur Laurimier
Monsieur Howrain
Don Manuel Peres, His Majesty's Governor
King of Spain
wise men
your women and children

notable location

New Madrid
lands from Cape St. Corinne to the River St. Franier
Mississippi River
Ohio River

notable item/thing

degrees of latitude
five day's march
corn fields
Council fire

notable phrase

I have not come here to drive you, the Delawares, Shawanese, and Cherokee, away from here.

document number


page start



The Speech of Colonel George Morgan to the
Delawares, Shawnese, & Cherokees at his first
meeting them, at New Madrid the [undecipherable] day
of April 1789
My Enfans Children
Monsieur L'Aurimier & Monsieur
Maurain, have already informed you by
order of Don Manuel Peres his Majestys
Governor at the Illinois, who I am & the
Business I have come here upon-
They have just now told you that
I am sent here by the King of Spain
to settle a Number of people whom
you now see here & many other whom
will soon be here, on his Lands from
Cape St Comme to the River St Francis
& from thence beck or Westward two Degrees
of Longitude or about five days march
West from the Mississippi -
Your Friends the Delawares, Six Nations & Shawnese who
have acompanied me to this Place will
tell you all the News from your Wise
Men up the Ohio River & at the Lakes -
They well tell you all the good Business
they come here for
As I have now become your Father &
all those the accompany me have become
Subjects to the Kink of Spain, I will
now tell you my mind freely to which
I desire you to listen with attention —
I have not come here to drive
you the Delawares, Shawnese & Cherokkes
away from here - on the Contrary I wish
you all to sit down near to me that
I may be usefull to you & to your
Women & Children, & protect you & them
from your Enemies should any offer to
injure you —
— I see that you hade seated yourselves
in this Country to make Corn & to hunt
for the Support of your Women & children
For this, you are indebted to the King of Spain, & you may depend
that you shall continue to enjoy
this favour so long as you continue to
deserve it.
I will survey your Corn Fields & as
sufficient Lands to your Use wherever
you have settled, & you shall have Liberty
to hunt & will all the same in the
Country — Whilst you do this &
live in Peace & take good Care of
your Women & Children I & my
people will improve the lands &
plant Corn, Wheat Tobacco &c so
that you may buy our Provisions &
the Merchandize we bring here in
Exchange for your Beaver, Deer Skins
&c - I do not mean to allow
any white men to hunt or chase away
the Game. When I am hungry
I will kill & eat, but I will not
allow any white men to hunt here for
the take of Skins of Furs.
On your Part, my Children
you must take good Care of your
Women & Children & live in Peace with
all nations - Should any come here to
strike you I will take the Tomhawk
from them —
There is one thing I shall particularly
insist upon - It is that you
charge your young men to be civil
to all my People & not on any Acct.
to steal a Horse from them nor take
any of their Property. I will promise
that my People shall be kind to
yours & not take any of your Property —
My Children
As I mean to kindle a
Council Fire at this Place, I desire
You to appoint some Wise Men to
assist me in taking Care of it that
your Women & Children may live
without Fear & that we may forever
keep a clear Fire for all Nations to
come & smoke their Pipes at.

Speech of George Morgan to the Delawares Shawnees & Cherokees at New Madrid April 1789

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (4 pages) NDA10 (4 pages) Collection: Wayne Manuscripts V:19, P.78.

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author George Morgan [unknown] [n/a]
Recipient Delawares, Shawanese, & Cherokees [unknown] [n/a]