Handwritten Transcripts



Handwritten Transcripts

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Title Alternate label Class
Attention to Letter from John Sullivan about Activity on Ohio and Tennessee Document
Indian business is unfavorable, but holds out hope for peace Document
Regarding the dispositions of the Northern and Western Indians as stated by St. Clair Document
Current state of uncertainty and the Six Nations meeting at the council at Detroit Document
Letters to Governor of Virginia and President of Pennsylvania requesting that they prepare militias Document
Report on the state of Indian affairs Document
Resolve of Congress and Proclamation, dated 1 September 1788 Document
Report on treaty efforts Document
Indian intelligence report, council at Miami and role played by Joseph Brant Document
Report on treaty efforts Document
Correspondence with Six Nations and Cornplanter Document
Knox expresses chagrin that the Indians have postponed their meeting Document
Arrival of Five Nations, Senecas, Wyandots, Delawares, Ottawas, Chippewas, Pottawatamies, Sacs Document
Capricious conduct of Indians; need to avoid war; assembly of congress Document
Letters from Arthur St. Clair and Act of Congress 12 August 1788 Document
On the convening of congress; reference to Brant and his Mohawks Document
Illness of Secretary of War; proceedings from Virginia Document
Illness of Secretary of War and correspondence Document
Regarding appropriations for services performed in Northern Indian Department Document
Request for estimate of expenses for treating with Wabash Indians Document
Debarkation of Troops from Carolina at Wilmington Document
Request for information in order to settle accounts Document
[COPY] Report on the Petition of Stephen Moore Document
Appointment of Knox as Major General, Commander of Troops on Frontier Document
[Untitled] Document