Discussion of Robbery at Military Storehouse



Contemporary Copy of Letter


Discussion of Robbery at Military Storehouse


Letter, describes burglary of military stores.

short description

Ltr, des burglary of military stores.

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Cited in Knox to Olney, 12/30/1788.

notable person/group

Henry Knox
Jeremiah Olney

notable location

Rhode Island

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last annual meeting of the Rhode Island Society of the Cincinnati
officers was admitted as members for whom diplomas are wanted
should you have any on hand and signed by the president general
first safe conveyance for which I will be accountable
conceive it my duty to inform you
discovered the magazine containing the powder & fixed ammunition in this town had been broak open by some villain
on examination I was happy to find only three casks of powder missing
demands was very modest indeed after having the audacity to make forcible entry into the magazine by digging out three tier of brick under the window in the second story
through which hole they must have run their arm and lifted the hooks that secured the shutter
after taking the powder they chose they hooked the shutter & replaced the brick loose order the better to conceal the theft
had the breach immediately repaired and secured the shutter with a pad lock on the inside & drove nails over the hooks which will render it extremely difficult to be opened should it again be attempted
entrance in the first floor is well secured by double doors
taken the necessary steps for detecting the thieves having communicated the matter to the shop keepers in town that deal in powder who might inform me should any person of suspicious character offer any for sail
preferred this mode to a public advertisement as that would most probably put the villains on their guard

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[view document] (2 pages) AWA17 (2 pages) Collection: Jeremiah Olney Papers B:1777-1813,F:1788-89.

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Jeremiah Olney Providence [n/a]
Recipient Henry Knox [unknown] [n/a]