Stephen Bayard discusses army accounts with Joseph Howell





Stephen Bayard discusses army accounts with Joseph Howell


Stephen Bayard discusses settlement of his recruiting account with Joseph Howell.

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Cited in Howell to Bayard 01/21/1788

author note

Stephen Bayard

recipient note

Joseph Howell

notable person/group

Joseph Howell
Stephen Bayard
Colonel Wood
General Irvine
recruiting service
Colonel Craig
Colonel Butler
Mr. Nicholson

notable location


notable item/thing

recruiting account

notable phrase

disordered state of Colonel Wood's mind

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Joseph Howell Esq

Philadelphia Jany 15th 1788

Dr Sir

I received your favour addressed to Genl Irvine on the subject of my accounts and find that you have been satisfied with respect to my accounts, except those for the monies advanced by the state of Penny and by Col Wood for the recruiting service were all accounted for by me in April or May 17777 at which time I settled my recruiting accounts with Col Wood then in Philadelphia and at the same time Col Craig and Col Butler late Captains in the same Regiment also settled theirs, and I received a balance from Col Wood which was due t me upon the same, he received my accounts and s I was accountable, him commanding I gave up all my papers to him, and never expected to be again called on to account for the same monies, several members of congress at the time of settlements saw and approved my accounts and desired ?Col Wood to pay me the balance which he did- the present disordered state of Col Wood's mind makes it impossible to get any testimony of this transaction from him. Col Craig's certificate of the fact is very full and I herewith enclose it - Col Butler also shall be procured and


transmitted you - now Sir I cannot conceive that in instill I should be held again to account for this money as I have already regularly settled with my commanding officer and delivered up every paper I held on this subject, but ~Sir if this should not be deemed sufficient I thank God I possess property in this state sufficient for more than the whole of the money received, as a security for paying any thing that may be found due by me, and as I cannot get the certificate of dollars, due for my (undecipherable) funded in this state after the last of February next which you have retained for security as afforesaid - I request you will please to forward the same by post addressed to the care of Mr Nicholson at this place - I will thank you to give this business your usual dispatch as I am long detained from my family and will continue at this place, until I receive your answer.

I am Dr Sir

Yrs Ser

Steph Bayard

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:328
[view document] (0 pages) [no image] Collection: Citations [unknown]

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Stephen Bayard Philadelphia [n/a]
Recipient Joseph Howell [unknown] [n/a]