Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with Colonel Samuel Miles





Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with Colonel Samuel Miles


Joseph Howell supplies Samuel Miles with confirmation that officers in captivity were paid and promoted.

year created


month created


day created



sent from location

Office of Army Accounts, New York


in image

author note

Joseph Howell

recipient note

Samuel Miles

notable person/group

Samuel Miles
Joseph Howell
Samuel Miles
officers in captivity
Colonel Beatty
5th Pennsylvania Regiment
Captain Lawrence
Captain Helms
Mr. Nicholson
Captain Richardson
Captain Phile
Captain Priestly

notable location

Office of Army Accounts, New York

notable item/thing

supernumerary pay

document number


page start




Col Samuel Miles

Office of Army Accounts New York Jany 7th 1788

Dr Sir

I was honoured with your letter the 11th inst bearing post office date the 20th (undecipherable) enclosed is a copy of a certificate given by Col Beatty in favour of Sunday Officers of the old 5th Pennsy Ret who were prisoners; the accounts of three of those officers have come immediately under my notice and they have been allowed their pay and rations as Captains from the day the certificate specifies they were entitled to promotion. I have also granted them the years supernumerary pay in specie, which the act of Congress of the 26th May 1787 directs to be paid in the new emissions which were considered as such; Captain Lawrence and Holme were settled with at the treasury and received the balance due them in old emissions, their settlements taking place previous to the army settlements was the cause - if the business of the office would permit a minute investigation of the prisoners accounts that have been settled, I should be able to prevent you with the names of many more that have been allowed pay in consequence of their being entitled to promotion while in captivity. I however flatter myself those now sent will answer your purpose - Mr Nicholson has I believe allowed those officers their appreciation on pay as Captains from the

same time.

I am with great respect yo ob servt Joseph Howell

I do hereby certify that in pursuance of the annexed certify I have settled the accounts of Capt Richardson Phile and Priestly and have allowed them their pay and rations as such from the periods specified in said certificates and that I have further allowed them then years pay admitted to Supernumerary officers who were deranged in pursuance of the acts of congress of the 24 Nov 1778, 22 May 1779 and 26th May 1981.

I yo

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:325

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Howell Office of Army Accounts, New York [n/a]
Recipient Samuel Miles [unknown] [n/a]