Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with General Irvine





Joseph Howell discusses army accounts with General Irvine


Joseph Howell discusses the accounts of Lieutenant Colonel Bayard and Colonel Wood with General Irvine.

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sent from location

Office of Army Accounts, New York

in image

author note

Joseph Howell

recipient note

William Irvine

notable person/group

General William Irvine
Joseph Howell
Lieutenant Colonel Bayard
Colonel Wood
General Irvine
Jonathan Redman
Mr. Nesbitt
Comptroller General Pennsylvania
Colonel Wood
recruiting service

notable location

Office of Army Accounts, New York

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Dr Lieut Colo Stephen Bayard

Dec 12 1776) % the state of Pennsyla for this sun received of Jno Redman Esq for the purpose of recruiting the 3d regiment......... £750..........Dolls 2000 16 to ditto............forditto received of Jno M Nesbitt for ditto......1000 30 To ditto.......for ditto of ditto for ditto.......1000

Frby 25 1777

to ditto........for ditto recd of ditto.....for ditto......1000.....3000

Dolls 5000

Dear Sir

Office of Army Account Dec 25 1787

The above charges against Colo Bayard were sent to this office by the comtroller Generl of Pennsyla the receipts for which I suppose are in his possession. The accounts of Colo Wood are now before me among his papers is an account of Colo Bayards for balance of pay due his compt to the first of November 1776 which balance amounting to £203.6.3 was paid him on the 19 (undecipherable) 1777


1777 the 5000 dollars does not appear to have been accounted for at least their are no papers with those of Colo Woods that can throw any light on the subject.

I am sir Yo

J Howell Jr

Genl Wm Irvine

to the foregoing sums received by Colonel Bayard.

I find he has received of Colonel Wood in Januy and Febry 1776 one hundred and eighty dollars and on the 23d of February 1777 the sum of nine hundred and ten dollars for the recruiting service for which their are receipts.

I am J Howell Jr

Gen Irvine

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) DDJ01 (355 pages) Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) V:135, P:296

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Author Joseph Howell Office of Army Accounts, New York [n/a]
Recipient General William Irvine [unknown] [n/a]